29 July 2016

Consuelo Mack has a PBS show (and website and podcast) called WealthTrack. As part of her 22 July show she talks with Jonathan Clements discussing his new book “How to Think About Money.” He indicates if you want more happiness then 1. concentrate on your spending, 2. college graduates should try to make money first in order to have enough wealth to eventually do what makes you happy, and 3. be extremely frugal. He points you have to plan on 70 years as an adult. His one investment to hold forever is VWO – Vanguard FSTE Emerging Markets ETF.

If you have, or expect a private pension (such as mine from United Technologies) you may want to read an article at http://www.moneyandmarkets.com/bankrupting-pensions-one-basis-point-time-80616 . It states “But the era of ultra-low rates is bankrupting pensions, …”

Yes it is the end of July, but I am slow in completing this report.
Returns for the month of June were mostly positive.
In June IRA#1 6%, IRA#2 6%, PDP PIE PIZ DWAS -2%, QQQ -6%, SPY/RSP -5%, DWTR 3%.
For the last 3 months, IRA#1 22%, IRS#2 9%, PDPetc -1%, QQQ -5%, SPY/RSP -3%, DWTR 5%.
For the last 6 months, IRA#1 16%, IRS#2 5%, PDPetc -0%, QQQ -2%, SPY/RSP 1%, DWTR 2%.
June portfolio changes:
IRA#1 – None – Invested in FSMEX
IRA#2 – Purchased FSAGX 6/13 – Invested in FIUIX, FJSCX, FRESX, FSMEX, FSAGX
PDP PIE PIX DWAS – Sold PIZ 6/14, PIE 6/27 – Invested in PDP, cash
QQQ – Sold QQQ 6/27 – Invested in cash
SPY/RSP – Sold RSP 6/27 – Invested in cash
DWTR – None – Invested in DWTR
When the market declined in June a couple of stoploss orders were executed. The ETF portfolios were updated with a 7% stoploss daily, while the mutual fund accounts were updated with a sell price of 5% weekly. Thus the ETFs are much more susceptible to daily fluctuations.
DWTR – PowerShares DWA Tactical Sector Rotation Portfolio is an ETF which invests in up to 4 of the best performing 9 ETFs which are managed based on sector performance and may invest in cash if the ETFs sector performance is poor. DWTR evaluates the 9 sector ETFs monthly based on relative strength to remain invested in the best 4. Currently DWTR is invested in PowerShares DWA Momentum Portfolios PYZ – Basic Materials, PSL – Consumer Staples, PUI – Utilites, and PTF – Technology. Stocks in each sector ETF are changed quarterly based on the relative strength of stocks within the appropriate sector.

IBD TBP’s Market Pulse is “Confirmed Uptrend”. Time to invest. One investing concern the coming election. Past elections have generally produced a down market for the first year following the election. I think you should be ready to sell.

My current investments:
IRA#1 and IRA#2
SMedicalEquipment&Sytems has a price of 42.58, a sell price of 40.45, a rank of 02, and is a hold. (ETF – IHI current stoploss 133.83)
Telecom&Utilities has a price of 26.26, a sell price 25.23, a rank of 10, and is a hold. (ETF – PUI current stoploss 26.10)
RealEstatePortfolio has a price of 47.35, a sell price 44.98, a rank of 05, and is a hold. (ETF – REZ current stoploss 64.66)
SGold has a price of 27.76, a sell price 26.42, a rank of 01, and is a hold. (ETF – GLDX I was stopped out of this again)
LatinAmerica has a price of 21.07, a sell price 20.02, a rank of 04, and is a hold. (ETF – BRF current stop loss 15.84)

My portfolio changes this weekend:
IRA #1 – None
IRA #2 – None

My portfolio market exposure after this weekend’s changes:
IRA #1 – 100% invested
IRA #2 – 100% invested

The top 20 (out of 100+ I follow) Fidelity funds (percent deviation, rank & weeks on top 20 list, fund symbol, fund price, fund name, and %dev increasing last 2 weeks).
This week:
35.35 01-26 FSAGX 27.76 SGold
14.71 02-16 FSMEX 42.58 SMedicalEquipment&Systems Yes
13.46 03-04 FSELX 83.30 SElectronics Yes
12.75 04-06 FLATX 21.07 LatinAmerica
12.52 05-13 FRESX 47.35 RealEstateInvestmentPortfolio Yes
10.38 06-28 FSTCX 72.61 STelecommunications
9.73 07-02 FSCSX 130.88 SSoftware&ITServices Yes
9.46 08-05 FEMEX 8.09 EmergingEMEA
9.29 09-02 FOCPX 85.15 OTCPortfolio Yes
9.27 10-30 FIUIX 26.26 Telecom&Utilities
9.24 11-02 FSPTX 126.82 STechnology Yes
8.73 12-05 FTEMX 10.97 TotalEmergingMarkets Yes
8.49 13-01 FJSCX 15.32 JapanSmallerCompanies Yes
8.37 14-04 FSHOX 63.22 SConstruction&Housing Yes
8.29 15-06 FPBFX 28.77 PacificBasin
7.98 16-02 FSDCX 30.33 SCommunicationsEquipment Yes
7.97 17-14 FSUTX 77.02 SUtilities
7.81 18-02 FCPGX 19.82 SmallCapGrowth Yes
7.09 19-01 FSRPX 110.84 SRetailing
6.95 20-01 FEMKX 23.96 EmergingMarkets Yes
Last week
29.91 01-25 FSAGX 26.15 SGold
14.22 02-05 FLATX 21.20 LatinAmerica Yes
13.02 03-15 FSMEX 41.63 SMedicalEquipment&Systems
12.50 04-12 FRESX 47.03 RealEstateInvestmentPortfolio
11.68 05-03 FSELX 81.41 SElectronics Yes
11.30 06-27 FSTCX 72.81 STelecommunications
11.06 07-29 FIUIX 26.56 Telecom&Utilities Yes
9.89 08-13 FSUTX 78.06 SUtilities
8.96 09-01 FSCSX 129.30 SSoftware&ITServices Yes
8.63 10-04 FTEMX 10.91 TotalEmergingMarkets Yes
8.16 11-03 FSHOX 62.82 SConstruction&Housing Yes
7.96 12-04 FEMEX 7.94 EmergingEMEA
7.83 13-01 FSDCX 30.16 SCommunicationsEquipment Yes
7.36 14-06 FSDIX 15.02 StrategicDividend&Income Yes
7.34 15-01 FSHCX 89.53 SHealthCareServices Yes
7.34 16-01 FSPTX 124.01 STechnology Yes
7.21 17-01 FCPGX 19.63 SmallCapGrowth Yes
7.11 18-02 FARNX 11.73 EventDrivenOpportunities Yes
6.83 19-01 FOCPX 82.83 OTCPortfolio Yes
6.79 20-05 FPBFX 28.25 PacificBasin

IRA#1 is currently invested in:
100% – SMedicalEquipment&Systems(FSMEX)(31May16) from CashReserves(FDRXX)
Jun16 1m+6% 3m+22% 6m+16% 12m-10% 24m+2% 36m+23% 60m+12% 120m-2%
May16 1m-7% 3m+16% 6m+8% 12m-19% 24m+2% 36m+17% 60m+6% 120m-12%
Average annual return since 1/82 11%
IRA#2 is currently invested in:)
20% – LatinAmreica(FLATX)(25Jul16) from JapanSmallerCompaneis(FJSCX)
20% – SGold(FSAGX)(13Jun16) from CashReserves(FDRXX)
20% – SMedicalEquipment&Systems(FSMEX)(31May16) from CashReserves(FDRXX)
20% – RealEstateInvestmentPortfolio(FRESX)(21Mar16) from CashReserves(FDRXX)
20% – Telecom&Utilities(FIUIX)(14Mar16) from CashReserves(FDRXX)
Jun16 1m+6% 3m+9% 6m+5% 12m-1% 24m+2% 36m+8% 60m+8% 120m+21%
May16 1m-1% 3m+4% 6m-3% 12m-9% 24m-3% 36m-0% 60m-2% 120m+13%
Average annual return since 1/82 11%

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