29 December 2017

A not a good week, not a sell week, but a not a good week. Not a time to buy. The sum of all the deviations has been 763, 826, and now 798.
The number of funds I rate as a buy over the last 3 weeks has been 12, 42, and now 19.
Fidelity had distributions every day this week – the only distribution list posted was for Thursday. However there were only 15 funds I follow which had distributions.

I chose to invest in SSemiconductors last week and thus it went down. It lost $0.47 or about 0.4% since I purchased it. Hopefully that will not continue.
I also put in the incorrect symbol for the ETF I was purchasing. The correct symbol is ARKW. It turns out that it went down also. I lost about 1.6% since I purchased it.
An interesting item is that if you get a Fidelity quote on ARKW and on the quote page click on more information, it says it had a return of capital distribution on 12/29 of 20.62. I called Fidelity because on another page it says there was a distribution of 0.944 none of which was return of capital. The Fidelity rep said he had no idea where that 20.62 number came from. Sort of requires one to check everything.

November returns for IRA#1 0%, IRA#2 1%, QQQ 2%, SPY/RSP 4%.
For the last 3 months, IRA#1 9%, IRA#2 4%, QQQ 6%, SPY/RSP 4%
For the last 6 months, IRA#1 16%, IRA#2 5%, QQQ 10%, SPY/RSP 9%
For the last 12 months, IRA#1 26%, IRA#2 16%, QQQ 32%, SPY/RSP 17%
portfolio changes:
IRA#1 – None – Invested 100% in FSPTX
IRA#2 – None – Invested 20% in cash, FHKCX, FPENX, FSPTX, and FSELX.
QQQ – None – Invested 100% in QQQ
SPY/RSP – None – Invested 100% in RSP.

IRA#1 and IRS#2
SSemiconductors has a price of 111.73, a sell price 106.14, and a rank of 11, and is a hold. (ETF – ARKW)
EmergingMarketsIndex – InvC has a price of 11.40, a sell price 10.83, and a rank of 17, and is a hold. (ETF – EEMO)

My mutual fund portfolio changes this weekend:
IRA #1 – None
IRA #2 – None

My mutual fund portfolio market exposure after this weekend’s changes:
IRA #1 – 100% invested
IRA #2 – 40% invested

The top 20 (out of 100+ I follow) Fidelity funds (percent deviation, rank & weeks on top 20 list, fund symbol, fund price, fund name, and %dev increasing last 2 weeks).
This week:
13.85 01-07 FSRPX 133.17 SRetailing
12.97 02-02 FSENX 44.69 SEnergy Yes
12.53 03-02 FEMEX 10.35 EmergingEuropeMiddleEastAfrica Yes
12.17 04-03 FHKCX 35.98 ChinaReqion
12.04 05-12 FFGCX 13.18 GlobalCommodityStock Yes
11.75 06-05 FSRFX 104.28 STransportation
11.66 07-05 FSVLX 16.21 SConsumerFinance
11.50 08-05 FSLBX 81.76 SBrokerageandInvestmentManagement
11.31 09-02 FSEAX 45.04 EmergingAsia Yes
11.24 10-12 FPBFX 35.48 PacificBasin Yes
11.20 11-14 FSELX 111.73 SSemiconductors
11.16 12-23 FSDAX 166.95 SDefense&Aerospace
11.13 13-02 FSHOX 64.87 SConstructionandHousing Yes
10.93 14-04 FSAIX 84.29 SAirTransportation
10.76 15-06 FJSCX 18.96 JapanSmallerCompanies
10.70 16-01 FEMKX 32.75 EmergingMarkets Yes
10.42 17-01 FPEMX 11.41 EmergingMarketsIndex – InvC Yes
10.12 18-01 FSCOX 19.34 InternationalSmallCapOpportunities Yes
9.94 19-05 FIDSX 114.22 SFinancialServices
9.89 20-02 FCYIX 36.79 SIndustrials
Last week corrected
14.66 01-06 FSRPX 133.14 SRetailing
13.48 02-13 FSELX 113.35 SSemiconductors Yes
12.76 03-04 FSVLX 16.27 SConsumerFinance
12.71 04-04 FSRFX 104.53 STransportation
12.60 05-01 FSENX 44.24 SEnergy
12.47 06-04 FSLBX 81.97 SBrokerageandInvestmentManagement
12.39 07-02 FHKCX 35.82 ChinaReqion Yes
11.75 08-03 FSAIX 84.43 SAirTransportation Yes
11.53 09-22 FSDAX 166.51 SDefense&Aerospace
11.13 10-11 FFGCX 12.99 GlobalCommodityStock Yes
11.07 11-04 FIDSX 114.79 SFinancialServices
10.96 12-11 FPBFX 35.18 PacificBasin Yes
10.93 13-01 FSEAX 44.62 EmergingAsia Yes
10.89 14-07 FLGEX 19.03 LargeCapGrowthEnhancedIndex
10.86 15-05 FJSCX 18.87 JapanSmallerCompanies
10.70 16-01 FSHOX 64.24 SConstructionandHousing
10.54 17-01 FEMEX 10.10 EmergingEuropeMiddleEastAfrica Yes
10.38 18-10 FSCSX 166.37 SSoftware&ITServices
10.30 19-48 FSPTX 180.56 STechnology
10.28 20-01 FCYIX 36.73 SIndustrials

IRA#1 is currently invested in:
100% – SSemiconductors(FSELX)(26Dec17) from CashReserves(FDRXX)
Nov17 1m+0% 3m+9% 6m+16% 12m+26% 24m+45% 36m+32% 60m+97% 120m-8%
Oct17 1m+7% 3m+12% 6m+22% 12m27% 24m+39% 36m+34% 60m+102% 120m-21%
Average annual return since 1/82 11%
IRA#2 is currently invested in:
20% – SSemiconductors(FSELX)(26Dec17) from CashReserves(FDRXX)
20% – CashReserves(FDRXX)(11Dec17) STechnology(FSPTX)(01May17)
20% – CashReserves(FDRXX)(11Dec17) ChinaRegion(FHKCX)(16Oct17)
20% – CashReserves(FDRXX)(30Oct17 from SBiotechnology(FBIOX)
20% – EmergingMarketsIndex – IC(FPEMX)(24Jul17) from CashResrves(FDRXX)
Nov17 1m+1% 3m+4% 6m+5% 12m+16% 24m+21% 36m+23% 60m+35% 120m+33%
Oct17 1m+3% 3m+5% 6m+8% 12m17% 24m+19% 36m+26% 60m+32% 120m+31%
Average annual return since 1/82 11%

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