21 October 2016

One radio show which provides a lot of market information is Investors Edge. It is on at 6:06 each weekday on various radio stations, the Biztalkradio web site, the Biztalkradio app (cell phone or tablet), and later at Garyk.com, biztalkradio app/web site, and podcast. Gary Kaltbaum indicates as long as the banks, oil, and semiconductor stocks are doing well, the market will not go down. He also has a lot of comments about the crook(H) and the chameleon(D).
Harry Dent was on the Tuesday podcast of Future Money Trends. Basically the crash, caused by excessive debt, is coming after the third bubble (2001, 2008, 2017) bursts.
Wall Street Week mentioned the US national debt on the Friday evening show. With the current rates on bonds, the age old rule of thumb to invest in stocks and bonds does not work. The investment in bonds was intended to be a safe way to make money. Bonds are still maybe safe, but they do not make money. In fact the latest rules from the Governmental Accounting Standards Board, GASP, requires state and local governments to add billions of dollars in retirement obligations to their balance sheet in 2017. Basically that means most cities and states will show a negative balance sheet. If the US government did that for the national debt will not be 20T, but 120T to 200T when social security, medicare, etc. obligations are added. What will the value of city, state, and US bonds be when the debt is included on the balance sheet and they are basically bankrupt?

IBD TBP’s Market Pulse is “Uptrend Under Pressure” as of 11Oct. Not a time to invest.

My current investments:
IRA#1 and IRA#2
SMedicalEquipment&Sytems has a price of 41.86, a sell price of 41.36, a rank of 13, and is a hold. (ETF – IHI current stoploss 136.18)
SSemiconductors has a price of 89.92, a sell price 88.45, a rank of 02, and is a hold. ( ETF – SMH – current stoploss 64.75)
SNaturalGas has a price of 27.15, a sell price 25.88, a rank of 03, and is a hold. (ETF – PSCE – current stoploss 17.58)
SComputers has a price of 75.72, a sell price 73.98, a rank of 12, and is a hold. (ETF – SOXX – current stoploss 105.48)
SEnergyService has a price of 49.68, a sell price 47.20, a rank of 07, and is a nold. (ETF – XES – current stoploss 18.54)
Yes I have updated the stoploss numbers and yes they did not change. They only change when there is a new high close. This was a week of very little price change.

My portfolio changes this weekend:
IRA #1 – None
IRA #2 – None

My portfolio market exposure after this weekend’s changes:
IRA #1 – 100% invested
IRA #2 – 100% invested

The top 20 (out of 100+ I follow) Fidelity funds (percent deviation, rank & weeks on top 20 list, fund symbol, fund price, fund name, and %dev increasing last 2 weeks).
This week:
13.45 01-18 FLATX 22.69 LatinAmerica Yes
11.74 02-16 FSELX 89.92 SSemiconductors
9.40 03-04 FSNGX 27.15 SNaturalGas
8.73 04-14 FSPTX 134.44 STechnology
8.02 05-04 FSENX 44.15 SEnergy
7.99 06-14 FSCSX 136.11 SSoftware&ITServices
7.76 07-03 FSESX 49.68 SEnergyService Yes
7.47 08-19 FTEMX 11.45 TotalEmergingMarkets
7.25 09-04 FNARX 29.37 SNaturalResources
6.29 10-02 FJSCX 15.48 JapanSmallerCompanies
6.13 11-01 FSRBX 26.12 SBanking
6.10 12-12 FDCPX 75.72 SComputers
5.42 13-28 FSMEX 41.86 SMedicalEquipment&Systems
5.26 14-14 FOCPX 86.10 OTCPortfolio
5.21 15-01 FEMKX 24.55 EmergingMarkets
5.20 16-01 FFGCX 10.83 GlobalCommodity Stock
5.06 17-07 FISMX 24.50 InternationalSmallCap
4.85 18-03 FJPNX 12.51 Japan
4.77 19-14 FSDCX 30.93 SCommunicationsEquipment
4.75 20-04 FNCMX 69.47 NasdaqCompositeIndex
Last week
11.97 01-15 FSELX 89.55 SSemiconductors
10.31 02-03 FSNGX 27.24 SNaturalGas
10.24 03-17 FLATX 21.89 LatinAmerica Yes
8.77 04-03 FSENX 44.27 SEnergy
7.85 05-13 FSPTX 132.74 STechnology
7.66 06-03 FNARX 29.37 SNaturalResources
7.29 07-11 FDCPX 76.32 SComputers
7.01 08-02 FSESX 49.13 SEnergyService Yes
6.28 09-13 FSCSX 133.39 SSoftware&ITServices
6.10 10-18 FTEMX 11.26 TotalEmergingMarkets
6.08 11-27 FSMEX 42.00 SMedicalEquipment&Systems
5.12 12-01 FJSCX 15.26 JapanSmallerCompanies
4.96 13-13 FOCPX 85.62 OTCPortfolio
4.87 14-01 FSRFX 81.27 STransportation
4.79 15-01 FSPCX 71.70 SInsurance
4.74 16-06 FISMX 24.36 InternationalSmallCap
4.49 17-06 FPBFX 28.89 PacificBasin
4.27 18-02 FJPNX 12.41 Japan
4.19 19-13 FSDCX 30.68 SCommunicationsEquipment
4.14 20-03 FNCMX 68.89 NasdaqCompositeIndex

IRA#1 is currently invested in:
100% – SMedicalEquipment&Systems(FSMEX)(31May16) from CashReserves(FDRXX)
Aug16 1m+1% 3m+14% 6m+31% 12m+22% 24m+7% 36m+29% 60m51% 120m+9%
Jul16 1m-6% 3m-7% 6m+16% 12m-10% 24-1% 36m+13% 60m+8% 120m-2%
Average annual return since 1/82 11%
IRA#2 is currently invested in:
20% – SEnergyService(FSESX)(10Oct16) from CashReserves(FDRXX)
20% – SComputers(FDCPX)(03Oct16) from CashReserves(FDRXX)
20% – SNaturalGas(FSNGX)(22Aug16) from CashReserves(FDRXX)
20% – SSemiconductors(FSELX)(08Aug16) from CashReserves(FDRXX)
20% – SMedicalEquipment&Systems(FSMEX)(31May16) from CashReserves(FDRXX)
Aug16 1m-2% 3m+8% 6m+13% 12m+6% 24m+6% 36m+9% 60m+18% 120m+22%
Jul16 1m-6% 3m-1% 6m+4% 12m-9% 24m-1% 36m-9% 60m+2% 120m+14%
Average annual return since 1/82 11%

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