27 March 2020

A good week week, not a buy week. The sum of all the deviations has been -1345, -2463, and now -1578 – not up 2 weeks in a row.
The number of funds I rate as a buy over the last 3 weeks has been 00, 00, and now 05.

In reviewing some of the market indicators:
SPY (S&P500 ETF) is 16% below its 50 day moving average,
QQQ (Nasdaq 100 ETF) is 12% below its 50 day moving average,
IWM (Russell 2000 ETF) is 24% below its 50 day moving average,
None are above their 200 day moving average.
The sum of the deviations is negative.
Not a time to buy – Sum of all deviations is not up 2 weeks in a row.

There are ETFs which go up as the market goes down.
SH is the inverse of SPY and is 11% above its 50 day average.
PSQ is the inverse of QQQ and is 07% above its 50 day average.
RWM is the inverse of IWM and is 17% above its 50 day average.

Since the start of the year, I have been investing in the top 5 Fidelity funds based on their three months gain. Fidelity updates the three month gain at about the 8th of the month. Using the numbers they have published this year, the reports indicate a return of -2.48% in January and +0.01% in February. These returns are not as good as they had been in the final months of 2019. I started to invest in these funds as soon as the monthly reports were available. In January my return on the 5 funds I purchased was -2.47% and in February was -0.43%. Currently I am invested in FNBGX – Long-Term Treasury Bond Index, FUAMX – Intermediate Treasury Bond Index, FCBFX – Corporate Bond Fund, FGOVX – Government Income, and FGBFX – Global Credit, I skipped the foreign funds which charge a fee if sold within 90 days and the tax free funds since my investments are in an IRA.

No investments

No investments

My investment changes this weekend:
IRA #1 – none
IRA #2 – none

My mutual fund portfolio market exposure after this weekend’s changes:
IRA #1 – 00% invested
IRA #2 – 00% invested

The top 20 (out of 100+ I follow) Fidelity funds (percent deviation, rank & weeks on top 20 list, fund symbol, fund price, fund name, and %dev increasing last 2 weeks).
3.57 01-04 FNBGX 17.37 Long-Term Treasury Bond Index YES
-1.78 02-03 FUAMX 12.00 IntermediateTreasuryBondIndex YES
-4.71 03-05 FHKCX 34.83 ChinaRegion NO
-5.30 04-04 FPHAX 20.14 SPharmaceuticals NO
-6.55 05-05 FSEAX 39.79 EmergingAsia NO
-6.92 06-01 FSAGX 20.41 SGold YES
-7.07 07-33 FWRLX 9.65 SWireless NO
-7.29 08-44 FSPTX 17.21 STechnology NO
-7.46 09-04 FSPHX 24.50 SHealthCare NO
-7.73 10-02 FCVSX 27.26 ConvertibleSecurities NO
-7.81 11-41 FSCSX 17.49 SSoftware&ITServices NO
-8.48 12-02 FDCPX 70.02 SComputers NO
-8.57 13-13 FTRNX 92.50 Trend NO
-8.66 14-05 FBIOX 18.28 SBiotechnology NO
-9.38 15-03 FPURX 19.84 Puritian NO
-9.75 16-01 FSHCX 86.69 SHealthCareServices NO
-9.86 17-10 FOCPX 10.79 OTCPortfolio NO
-9.94 18-01 FFIDX 43.01 Fidelity NO
-10.10 19-04 FLGEX 18.24 LargeCapGrowthEnhancedIndex NO
-10.16 20-01 FPBFX 28.52 PacificBasin NO
Last Week
-1.25 01-03 FNBGX 16.53 Long-Term Treasury Bond Index NO
-3.26 02-02 FUAMX 11.83 IntermediateTreasuryBondIndex NO
-10.68 03-04 FHKCX 32.73 ChinaRegion NO
-12.43 04-01 FGOVX 10.97 GovernmentIncome NO
-12.88 05-03 FPHAX 18.58 SPharmaceuticals NO
-13.89 06-01 FIGRX 36.36 InternationalDiscovery NO
-14.15 07-04 FSEAX 36.68 EmergingAsia NO
-15.38 08-32 FWRLX 8.82 SWireless NO
-15.52 09-01 FCVSX 25.06 ConvertibleSecurities NO
-15.69 10-01 FBIOX 16.95 SBiotechnology NO
-16.10 11-02 FPURX 18.46 Puritian NO
-16.13 12-43 FSPTX 15.63 STechnology NO
-16.43 13-40 FSCSX 15.92 SSoftware&ITServices NO
-16.85 14-03 FSPHX 22.10 SHealthCare NO
-17.55 15-09 FOCPX 9.92 OTCPortfolio NO
-17.78 16-01 FDCPX 63.18 SComputers NO
-17.86 17-12 FTRNX 83.47 Trend NO
-18.04 18-01 FCNTX 10.66 Contrafund NO
-18.10 19-01 FPBFX 26.14 PacificBasin NO
-18.47 20-03 FLGEX 16.63 LargeCapGrowthEnhancedIndex NO

IRA#1 is currently invested in:
100% – Cash(23Mar20) from STechnology(FSPTX)(18Feb20)
Nov19 1m+6% 3m-0% 6m+23% 12m+2%
Average annual return since 1/82 na%
IRA#2 is currently invested in:
20% – Cash(23Mar20) from SSemiconductors(FSELX)(18Feb20)
20% – Cash(03Feb20) from SHealthCareServices(09Dec19)
20% – Cash(03Feb20) from SComputers(16Dec19)
20% – Cash(02Mar20) from STechnology(21Jan20)
20% – Cash(02Mar20) from SWireless(21Oct19)
Nov19 1m+1% 3m+1% 6m+8% 12m+3%
Average annual return since 1/82 na%

20 March 2020

Not a good week, not a buy week. The sum of all the deviations has been -319, -1345, and now -2463 – not up 2 weeks in a row.
The number of funds I rate as a buy over the last 3 weeks has been 00, 00, and now 00.

In reviewing some of the market indicators:
SPY (S&P500 ETF) is 26% below its 50 day moving average,
QQQ (Nasdaq 100 ETF) is 21% below its 50 day moving average,
IWM (Russell 2000 ETF) is 34% below its 50 day moving average,
None are above their 200 day moving average.
The sum of the deviations is negative.
Not a time to buy – Sum of all deviations is not up 2 weeks in a row.

There are ETFs which go up as the market goes down.
SH is the inverse of SPY and is 27% above its 50 day average.
PSQ is the inverse of QQQ and is 19% above its 50 day average.
RWM is the inverse of IWM and is 37% above its 50 day average.

Another bad week, the numbers are even more negative. I think these are the worst numbers I’ve never seen.
If you are not listening to Macro Voices you are missing too much – macrovoices.com . You can even hear it of youtube. The current interview is with Jim Bianco, recorded on 18Mar. It really explains the current market actions and the virus impact. The date for the market bottoms now is 31May/01June.

STechnology has a price of 15.63, a sell price 21.22, a rank of 12, and is a sell.

SSemiconductors has a price of 9.32, a sell price 12.51, a rank of 54, and is a sell.

IRA#1 STechnology and IRA#2 Semiconductors finally can be sold since I’ve owned it 30 days.

My investment changes this weekend:
IRA #1 – Sell STechnology
IRA #2 – Sell SSemiconductors

My mutual fund portfolio market exposure after this weekend’s changes:
IRA #1 – 00% invested
IRA #2 – 00% invested

The top 20 (out of 100+ I follow) Fidelity funds (percent deviation, rank & weeks on top 20 list, fund symbol, fund price, fund name, and %dev increasing last 2 weeks).
-1.25 01-03 FNBGX 16.53 Long-Term Treasury Bond Index NO
-3.26 02-02 FUAMX 11.83 IntermediateTreasuryBondIndex NO
-10.68 03-04 FHKCX 32.73 ChinaRegion NO
-12.43 04-01 FGOVX 10.97 GovernmentIncome NO
-12.88 05-03 FPHAX 18.58 SPharmaceuticals NO
-13.89 06-01 FIGRX 36.36 InternationalDiscovery NO
-14.15 07-04 FSEAX 36.68 EmergingAsia NO
-15.38 08-32 FWRLX 8.82 SWireless NO
-15.52 09-01 FCVSX 25.06 ConvertibleSecurities NO
-15.69 10-01 FBIOX 16.95 SBiotechnology NO
-16.10 11-02 FPURX 18.46 Puritian NO
-16.13 12-43 FSPTX 15.63 STechnology NO
-16.43 13-40 FSCSX 15.92 SSoftware&ITServices NO
-16.85 14-03 FSPHX 22.10 SHealthCare NO
-17.55 15-09 FOCPX 9.92 OTCPortfolio NO
-17.78 16-01 FDCPX 63.18 SComputers NO
-17.86 17-12 FTRNX 83.47 Trend NO
-18.04 18-01 FCNTX 10.66 Contrafund NO
-18.10 19-01 FPBFX 26.14 PacificBasin NO
-18.47 20-03 FLGEX 16.63 LargeCapGrowthEnhancedIndex NO
Last Week
-1.73 01-03 FHKCX 36.21 ChinaRegion NO
-2.10 02-02 FSHCX 95.57 SHealthCareServices NO
-2.46 03-42 FSPTX 18.33 STechnology NO
-3.59 04-03 FSEAX 41.50 EmergingAsia NO
-4.01 05-02 FPHAX 20.61 SPharmaceuticals NO
-4.31 06-02 FNBGX 16.03 Long-Term Treasury Bond Index NO
-4.57 07-01 FUAMX 11.69 IntermediateTreasuryBondIndex NO
-5.23 08-39 FSCSX 18.21 SSoftware&ITServices NO
-5.50 09-11 FTRNX 96.93 Trend NO
-5.71 10-02 FFIDX 45.71 Fidelity NO
-6.14 11-02 FLGEX 19.33 LargeCapGrowthEnhancedIndex NO
-6.45 12-18 FOCPX 11.36 OTCPortfolio NO
-6.47 13-02 FSPHX 25.08 SHealthCare NO
-6.57 14-01 FDFFX 32.99 Independence NO
-6.63 15-01 FMAGX 9.21 Magellan NO
-6.88 16-01 FPURX 20.66 Puritian NO
-6.94 17-01 FTQGX 23.24 FocusedStock NO
-7.02 18-31 FWRLX 9.77 SWireless NO
-7.56 19-13 FNCMX 98.92 NasdaqCompositeIndex NO
-7.66 20-01 FBSOX 67.57 SITServices NO

IRA#1 is currently invested in:
100% – Cash(23Mar20) from STechnology(FSPTX)(18Feb20)
Nov19 1m+6% 3m-0% 6m+23% 12m+2%
Average annual return since 1/82 na%
IRA#2 is currently invested in:
20% – Cash(23Mar20) from SSemiconductors(FSELX)(18Feb20)
20% – Cash(03Feb20) from SHealthCareServices(09Dec19)
20% – Cash(03Feb20) from SComputers(16Dec19)
20% – Cash(02Mar20) from STechnology(21Jan20)
20% – Cash(02Mar20) from SWireless(21Oct19)
Nov19 1m+1% 3m+1% 6m+8% 12m+3%
Average annual return since 1/82 na%

13 March 2020

Not a good week, not a buy week. The sum of all the deviations has been -343, -319, and now -1345 – not up 2 weeks in a row.
The number of funds I rate as a buy over the last 3 weeks has been 00, 00, and now 00.

In reviewing some of the market indicators:
SPY (S&P500 ETF) is 16% below its 50 day moving average,
QQQ (Nasdaq 100 ETF) is 12% below its 50 day moving average,
IWM (Russell 2000 ETF) is 25% below its 50 day moving average,
None are above their 200 day moving average.
The sum of the deviations is negative.
Not a time to buy – Sum of all deviations is not up 2 weeks in a row.

There are ETFs which go up as the market goes down.
SH is the inverse of SPY and is 16% above its 50 day average.
PSQ is the inverse of QQQ and is 10% above its 50 day average.
RWM is the inverse of IWM and is 28% above its 50 day average.

For the week The first time ever I’ve seen all deviations negative. Even SGold which was #1 last week is now #89. When you need to sell,you sell
every thing you can.

STechnology has a price of 18.33, a sell price 21.22, a rank of 06, and is a hold until 3/19/20. (ETF – FTXL, SOXX)

SSemiconductors has a price of 9.97, a sell price 12.51, a rank of 38, and is a hold until 3/19/20 (ETF – XLK, IETC )

IRA#1 STechnology and IRA#2 Semiconductors were purchased on 2/18 and cannot be sold before 3/19 without breaking the Fidelity rules against short
term trading.

My investment changes this weekend:
IRA #1 – None
IRA #2 – None

My mutual fund portfolio market exposure after this weekend’s changes:
IRA #1 – 100% invested
IRA #2 – 20% invested

The top 20 (out of 100+ I follow) Fidelity funds (percent deviation, rank & weeks on top 20 list, fund symbol, fund price, fund name, and %dev
increasing last 2 weeks).
-1.73 01-03 FHKCX 36.21 ChinaRegion NO
-2.10 02-02 FSHCX 95.57 SHealthCareServices NO
-2.46 03-42 FSPTX 18.33 STechnology NO
-3.59 04-03 FSEAX 41.50 EmergingAsia NO
-4.01 05-02 FPHAX 20.61 SPharmaceuticals NO
-4.31 06-02 FNBGX 16.03 Long-Term Treasury Bond Index NO
-4.57 07-01 FUAMX 11.69 IntermediateTreasuryBondIndex NO
-5.23 08-39 FSCSX 18.21 SSoftware&ITServices NO
-5.50 09-11 FTRNX 96.93 Trend NO
-5.71 10-02 FFIDX 45.71 Fidelity NO
-6.14 11-02 FLGEX 19.33 LargeCapGrowthEnhancedIndex NO
-6.45 12-18 FOCPX 11.36 OTCPortfolio NO
-6.47 13-02 FSPHX 25.08 SHealthCare NO
-6.57 14-01 FDFFX 32.99 Independence NO
-6.63 15-01 FMAGX 9.21 Magellan NO
-6.88 16-01 FPURX 20.66 Puritian NO
-6.94 17-01 FTQGX 23.24 FocusedStock NO
-7.02 18-31 FWRLX 9.77 SWireless NO
-7.56 19-13 FNCMX 98.92 NasdaqCompositeIndex NO
-7.66 20-01 FBSOX 67.57 SITServices NO
Last Week
10.80 01-03 FSAGX 24.92 SGold NO
5.55 02-01 FPHAX 22.71 SPharmaceuticals NO
5.32 03-05 FBIOX 21.44 SBiotechnology NO
5.28 04-02 FHKCX 38.83 ChinaRegion NO
5.13 05-02 FSEAX 45.34 EmergingAsia NO
4.21 06-41 FSPTX 19.61 STechnology NO
3.40 07-01 FSHCX 101.05 SHealthCareServices NO
3.26 08-30 FWRLX 10.89 SWireless NO
2.80 09-01 FNBGX 17.26 Long-Term Treasury Bond Index NO
2.71 10-01 FSUTX 96.13 SUtilities NO
2.46 11-01 FSPHX 27.57 SHealthCare NO
2.45 12-17 FDCPX 79.79 SComputers NO
1.69 13-02 FRIFX 12.46 RealEstateIncome NO
1.31 14-38 FSCSX 19.52 SSoftware&ITServices NO
1.19 15-10 FTRNX 104.10 Trend NO
0.86 16-17 FOCPX 12.29 OTCPortfolio NO
0.84 17-01 FFIDX 49.03 Fidelity NO
0.57 18-37 FSELX 11.31 SSemiconductors NO
0.48 19-01 FLGEX 20.76 LargeCapGrowthEnhancedIndex NO
0.24 20-12 FNCMX 107.69 NasdaqCompositeIndex NO

IRA#1 is currently invested in:
100% – STechnology(FSPTX)(18Feb20) from Cash(03Feb20)
Nov19 1m+6% 3m-0% 6m+23% 12m+2%
Average annual return since 1/82 na%
IRA#2 is currently invested in:
20% – SSemiconductors(FSELX)(18Feb20) from Cash(03Feb20)
20% – Cash(03Feb20) from SHealthCareServices(09Dec19)
20% – Cash(03Feb20) from SComputers(16Dec19)
20% – Cash(02Mar20) from STechnology(21Jan20)
20% – Cash(02Mar20) from SWireless(21Oct19)
Nov19 1m+1% 3m+1% 6m+8% 12m+3%
Average annual return since 1/82 na%

06 March 2020

Not a good week, not a buy week. The sum of all the deviations has been 781, -343, and now -319 – not up 2 weeks in a row.
The number of funds I rate as a buy over the last 3 weeks has been 03, 00, and now 00.

In reviewing some of the market indicators:
SPY (S&P500 ETF) is 6% below its 50 day moving average,
QQQ (Nasdaq 100 ETF) is 6% below its 50 day moving average,
IWM (Russell 2000 ETF) is 11% below its 50 day moving average,
QQQ is above its 200 day moving average.
The sum of the deviations is negative.
Not a time to buy – Sum of all deviations is not up 2 weeks in a row.

There are ETFs which go up as the market goes down.
SH is the inverse of SPY and is 8% above its 50 day average.
PSQ is the inverse of QQQ and is 5% above its 50 day average.
RWM is the inverse of IWM and is 12% above its 50 day average.

An unusual week. QQQ was up 5.2% on Monday, down 3.4% on Tuesday, up 4.2% on Wednesday, down 3.2% on Thursday, and down another 1.8% on Friday. Finally for the week QQQ was up 1.0%. The Federal Reserve Board dropped the interest rates to stimulate business and the Coronavirus is negatively impacting business. I am afraid the Coronoavirus may be the stronger influence for a while.

STechnology has a price of 19.61, a sell price 21.22, a rank of 06, and is a hold until 3/19/20. (ETF – FTXL, SOXX)

SSemiconductors has a price of 11.31, a sell price 12.51, a rank of 18, and is a hold until 3/19/20 (ETF – XLK, IETC )

IRA#1 STechnology and IRA#2 Semiconductors were purchased on 2/18 and cannot be sold before 3/19 without breaking the Fidelity rules against short term trading.

My investment changes this weekend:
IRA #1 – None
IRA #2 – None

My mutual fund portfolio market exposure after this weekend’s changes:
IRA #1 – 100% invested
IRA #2 – 20% invested

The top 20 (out of 100+ I follow) Fidelity funds (percent deviation, rank & weeks on top 20 list, fund symbol, fund price, fund name, and %dev increasing last 2 weeks).
10.80 01-03 FSAGX 24.92 SGold NO
5.55 02-01 FPHAX 22.71 SPharmaceuticals NO
5.32 03-05 FBIOX 21.44 SBiotechnology NO
5.28 04-02 FHKCX 38.83 ChinaRegion NO
5.13 05-02 FSEAX 45.34 EmergingAsia NO
4.21 06-41 FSPTX 19.61 STechnology NO
3.40 07-01 FSHCX 101.05 SHealthCareServices NO
3.26 08-30 FWRLX 10.89 SWireless NO
2.80 09-01 FNBGX 17.26 Long-Term Treasury Bond Index NO
2.71 10-01 FSUTX 96.13 SUtilities NO
2.46 11-01 FSPHX 27.57 SHealthCare NO
2.45 12-17 FDCPX 79.79 SComputers NO
1.69 13-02 FRIFX 12.46 RealEstateIncome NO
1.31 14-38 FSCSX 19.52 SSoftware&ITServices NO
1.19 15-10 FTRNX 104.10 Trend NO
0.86 16-17 FOCPX 12.29 OTCPortfolio NO
0.84 17-01 FFIDX 49.03 Fidelity NO
0.57 18-37 FSELX 11.31 SSemiconductors NO
0.48 19-01 FLGEX 20.76 LargeCapGrowthEnhancedIndex NO
0.24 20-12 FNCMX 107.69 NasdaqCompositeIndex NO
Last Week
4.71 01-40 FSPTX 19.66 STechnology NO
4.43 02-01 FHKCX 38.41 ChinaRegion NO
3.58 03-01 FSEAX 44.55 EmergingAsia NO
3.55 04-04 FBIOX 21.02 SBiotechnology NO
3.35 05-37 FSCSX 19.90 SSoftware&ITServices NO
2.02 06-36 FSELX 11.47 SSemiconductors NO
1.63 07-29 FWRLX 10.70 SWireless NO
1.11 08-16 FDCPX 78.64 SComputers NO
1.07 09-16 FOCPX 12.31 OTCPortfolio NO
0.76 10-01 FCVSX 30.27 ConvertibleSecurities NO
0.74 11-09 FTRNX 103.57 Trend NO
0.72 12-01 FRIFX 12.33 RealEstateIncome NO
0.27 13-08 FBGRX 104.70 BlueChipGrowth NO
0.20 14-06 FBSOX 73.65 SITServices NO
0.18 15-06 FSAVX 34.98 SAutomotive NO
0.13 16-11 FNCMX 107.56 NasdaqCompositeIndex NO
(0.15) 17-02 FSAGX 22.33 SGold NO
(0.24) 18-01 FEMKX 32.75 EmergingMarkets NO
(0.46) 19-01 FIVFX 21.77 InternationalCapApp NO
(0.49) 20-01 FDEGX 47.96 Growth Strategies NO

IRA#1 is currently invested in:
100% – STechnology(FSPTX)(18Feb20) from Cash(03Feb20)
Nov19 1m+6% 3m-0% 6m+23% 12m+2%
Average annual return since 1/82 na%
IRA#2 is currently invested in:
20% – SSemiconductors(FSELX)(18Feb20) from Cash(03Feb20)
20% – Cash(03Feb20) from SHealthCareServices(09Dec19)
20% – Cash(03Feb20) from SComputers(16Dec19)
20% – Cash(02Mar20) from STechnology(21Jan20)
20% – Cash(02Mar20) from SWireless(21Oct19)
Nov19 1m+1% 3m+1% 6m+8% 12m+3%
Average annual return since 1/82 na%

28 February 2020

Not a good week, not a buy week. The sum of all the deviations has been 918, 781, and now -343 – not up 2 weeks in a row.
The number of funds I rate as a buy over the last 3 weeks has been 94, 03, and now 00.

In reviewing some of the market indicators:
SPY (S&P500 ETF) is 9% below its 50 day moving average,
QQQ (Nasdaq 100 ETF) is 7% below its 50 day moving average,
IWM (Russell 2000 ETF) is 11% below its 50 day moving average,
QQQ is above its 200 day moving average.
The sum of the deviations is negative.
Not a time to buy – Sum of all deviations is not up 2 weeks in a row.

It was an interesting week as the market sold off every day. The ETFs I owned (except for PTNQ) were all previously sold or sold this week as the share price of the ETF declined. The slow down in the economy is probably due to the coronavirus. The latest news on that indicates the economy will continue to decline. As the economy declines, the market will decline also.

There are ETFs which go up as the market goes down.
SH is the inverse of SPY and is 10% above its 50 day average.
PSQ is the inverse of QQQ and is 6% above its 50 day average.
RWM is the inverse of IWM and is 12% above its 50 day average.
There are even ETFs that go up (or down) 3 times faster than an index. SQQQ is triple short QQQ ETF and is up 37% the last 5 days. ETFSCREEN.COM reports on over 2000 ETFs.

Last week PTNQ (which follows the NASDAQ 100 index ) was 16% above the its 200 day moving average. After this week’s decline price decline and the increase in the 200 day moving average it is 4% above its moving average. It is programmed to start switching to US Treasury bills when the NASDAQ 100 crosses its 200 day moving average.

STechnology has a price of 19.66, a sell price 21.22, a rank of 01, and is a hold until 3/19/20. (ETF – FTXL, SOXX)

SWireless has a price of 10.70, a sell price 11.36, a rank of 07, and is a sell. (ETF – IYZ, XTL)
STechnology has a price of 19.66, a sell price 21.22, a rank of 01, and is a sell. (ETF – FTXL, SOXX)
SSemiconductors has a price of 11.47, a sell price 12.51, a rank of 03, and is a hold until 3/19/20 (ETF – XLK, IETC )

IRA#1 STechnology and IRA#2 Semiconductors were purchased on 2/18 and cannot be sold before 3/19 without breaking the Fidelity rules againest short term trading.

My investment changes this weekend:
IRA #1 – None
IRA #2 – Sell SWireless and STechnology

My mutual fund portfolio market exposure after this weekend’s changes:
IRA #1 – 100% invested
IRA #2 – 20% invested

The top 20 (out of 100+ I follow) Fidelity funds (percent deviation, rank & weeks on top 20 list, fund symbol, fund price, fund name, and %dev increasing last 2 weeks).
4.71 01-40 FSPTX 19.66 STechnology NO
4.43 02-01 FHKCX 38.41 ChinaRegion NO
3.58 03-01 FSEAX 44.55 EmergingAsia NO
3.55 04-04 FBIOX 21.02 SBiotechnology NO
3.35 05-37 FSCSX 19.90 SSoftware&ITServices NO
2.02 06-36 FSELX 11.47 SSemiconductors NO
1.63 07-29 FWRLX 10.70 SWireless NO
1.11 08-16 FDCPX 78.64 SComputers NO
1.07 09-16 FOCPX 12.31 OTCPortfolio NO
0.76 10-01 FCVSX 30.27 ConvertibleSecurities NO
0.74 11-09 FTRNX 103.57 Trend NO
0.72 12-01 FRIFX 12.33 RealEstateIncome NO
0.27 13-08 FBGRX 104.70 BlueChipGrowth NO
0.20 14-06 FBSOX 73.65 SITServices NO
0.18 15-06 FSAVX 34.98 SAutomotive NO
0.13 16-11 FNCMX 107.56 NasdaqCompositeIndex NO
(0.15) 17-02 FSAGX 22.33 SGold NO
(0.24) 18-01 FEMKX 32.75 EmergingMarkets NO
(0.46) 19-01 FIVFX 21.77 InternationalCapApp NO
(0.49) 20-01 FDEGX 47.96 Growth Strategies NO
Last Week
16.30 01-01 FSAGX 26.01 SGold YES
16.29 02-19 FSPTX 21.78 STechnology NO
15.66 03-36 FSELX 12.99 SSemiconductors NO
15.08 04-05 FSAVX 40.18 SAutomotive YES
14.41 05-07 FSCSX 21.99 SSoftware&ITServices NO
13.98 06-03 FSHCX 111.36 SHealthCareServices YES
13.17 07-03 FBIOX 22.93 SBiotechnology NO
12.90 08-06 FBSOX 82.97 SITServices NO
12.67 09-07 FBGRX 117.63 BlueChipGrowth NO
12.63 10-15 FOCPX 13.71 OTCPortfolio NO
12.58 11-08 FTRNX 115.70 Trend NO
12.18 12-28 FWRLX 11.80 SWireless NO
11.96 13-10 FNCMX 120.26 NasdaqCompositeIndex NO
11.52 14-01 FDEGX 53.76 Growth Strategies NO
11.46 15-01 FSHOX 66.98 SConstructionandHousing NO
11.29 16-01 FPHAX 23.89 SPharmaceuticals NO
10.94 17-06 FFIDX 53.94 Fidelity NO
10.90 18-03 FDEQX 42.69 DisciplinedEquity NO
10.88 19-15 FDCPX 86.19 SComputers NO
10.86 20-01 FDCAX 36.18 CapitalAppreciation NO

IRA#1 is currently invested in:
100% – STechnology(FSPTX)(18Feb20) from Cash(03Feb20)
Nov19 1m+6% 3m-0% 6m+23% 12m+2%
Average annual return since 1/82 na%
IRA#2 is currently invested in:
20% – SSemiconductors(FSELX)(18Feb20) from Cash(03Feb20)
20% – Cash(03Feb20) from SHealthCareServices(09Dec19)
20% – Cash(03Feb20) from SComputers(16Dec19)
20% – STechnology(FSPTX)(21Jan20) from SAutomotive(FSAVX)(28Oct19)
20% – SWireless(FWRLX)(21Oct19) from Cash(26Aug19)
Nov19 1m+1% 3m+1% 6m+8% 12m+3%
Average annual return since 1/82 na%