26 January 2018

A good, good week, time to buy. The sum of all the deviations has been 1069, 1195, and now 1325.
The number of funds I rate as a buy over the last 3 weeks has been 92, 63, and now 67.
The explosive uptrend returns.

In reviewing the Fidelity funds, I found that SIndustrialEquipment (FSCGX) no long exists. If you look for a quote at F it says it is an invalid symbol. Google will give you a quote. I called F and he said it was closed to any new investments and even new investments from current owners. I pointed out that other closed funds are listed. He did not know. My personal guess is that F is in deep trouble with the SEC or IRS. It seems this week FSCGX had a $5.56 distribution which never happens in January but I think F missed the distribution last December which is required by SEC/IRS regulations. But it could just be a programing hack by some IT guy.

December returns for IRA#1 -1%, IRA#2 -0%, QQQ 1%, SPY/RSP 1%.
For the last 3 months, IRA#1 7%, IRA#2 4%, QQQ 7%, SPY/RSP 6%
For the last 6 months, IRA#1 18%, IRA#2 7%, QQQ 14%, SPY/RSP 9%
For the last 12 months, IRA#1 18%, IRA#2 13%, QQQ 32%, SPY/RSP 17%
portfolio changes:
IRA#1 – Sold FSPTX(12/12, Pur FSELX(12/27) – Invested 100% in FSELX
IRA#2 – Sold FHKCX(12/12), FSPTX(12/12), FSELX(12/12), Pur FSELX(12/27) – Invested 60% in cash, FPEMX, and FSELX.
QQQ – None – Invested 100% in QQQ
SPY/RSP – None – Invested 100% in RSP.

IRA#1 and IRS#2
SSemiconductors has a price of 120.02, a sell price 114.02, and a rank of 17, and is a hold. (ETF – ARKW)
EmergingMarketsIndex – InvC has a price of 12.56, a sell price 11.93, and a rank of 05, and is a hold. (ETF – EEMO)
SRetailing has a price of 148.89, a sell price 141.45, a rank of 01, and is a hold. (ETF – RTH)
SBrokerageandInvestmentManagement has a price of 88.47, a sell price 84.05, a rank of 02, and is a BUY. (ETF – CHIX)
EmergingEuropeMiddleEastAfrica has a price of 11.30, a sell price TBD, a rank of 03, and is a BUY. (ETF – EMQQ)

My mutual fund portfolio changes this weekend:
IRA #1 – None
IRA #2 – Invest 20% in EmergingEuropeMiddleEastAfrica

My mutual fund portfolio market exposure after this weekend’s changes:
IRA #1 – 100% invested
IRA #2 – 100% invested

The top 20 (out of 100+ I follow) Fidelity funds (percent deviation, rank & weeks on top 20 list, fund symbol, fund price, fund name, and %dev increasing last 2 weeks).
This week:
22.25 01-11 FSRPX 148.89 SRetailing
19.24 02-07 FHKCX 39.67 ChinaReqion
18.76 03-06 FEMEX 11.30 EmergingEuropeMiddleEastAfrica Yes
18.29 04-03 FSDAX 183.60 SDefense&Aerospace
17.73 05-05 FPEMX 12.56 EmergingMarketsIndex – InvC Yes
16.88 06-03 FSCPX 45.75 SConsumerDiscretionary Yes
16.88 07-04 FBSOX 59.93 SITServices Yes
16.71 08-09 FSLBX 88.47 SBrokerageandInvestmentManagement Yes
16.70 09-02 FEMKX 35.60 EmergingMarkets Yes
16.48 10-04 FTQGX 25.14 FocusedStock Yes
16.36 11-06 FSEAX 48.57 EmergingAsia
16.36 12-16 FFGCX 14.16 GlobalCommodityStock
16.29 13-01 FSCSX 181.56 SSoftware&ITServices Yes
15.78 14-01 FCNTX 135.02 Contrafund Yes
15.78 15-06 FSENX 47.41 SEnergy
15.76 16-01 FDCPX 97.91 SComputers Yes
15.75 17-18 FSELX 120.02 SSemiconductors Yes
15.62 18-01 FBGRX 96.24 BlueChipGrowth Yes
15.59 19-01 FSCOX 20.88 InternationalSmallCapOpportunities
15.46 20-02 FLGEX 20.51 LargeCapGrowthEnhancedIndex Yes
Last week
18.75 01-10 FSRPX 142.93 SRetailing
16.70 02-08 FSLBX 87.69 SBrokerageandInvestmentManagement Yes
16.39 03-06 FHKCX 38.33 ChinaReqion
16.34 04-05 FEMEX 10.96 EmergingEuropeMiddleEastAfrica Yes
15.51 05-02 FSDAX 177.56 SDefense&Aerospace
15.38 06-15 FFGCX 13.92 GlobalCommodityStock
15.37 07-05 FSENX 46.85 SEnergy
15.19 08-03 FBSOX 58.54 SITServices Yes
15.07 09-08 FSRFX 110.01 STransportation
14.96 10-04 FPEMX 12.15 EmergingMarketsIndex – InvC Yes
14.79 11-03 FTQGX 24.56 FocusedStock Yes
14.64 12-17 FSELX 117.88 SSemiconductors
14.50 13-02 FSCPX 44.42 SConsumerDiscretionary Yes
14.43 14-03 FSPTX 192.36 STechnology Yes
14.38 15-02 FSAIX 88.85 SAirTransportation
14.23 16-01 FEMKX 34.54 EmergingMarkets
14.01 17-05 FSEAX 47.18 EmergingAsia
14.00 18-02 FSVLX 16.93 SConsumerFinance
13.97 19-01 FLGEX 20.08 LargeCapGrowthEnhancedIndex Yes
13.92 20-01 FIDSX 120.79 SFinancialServices Yes

IRA#1 is currently invested in:
100% – SSemiconductors(FSELX)(26Dec17) from CashReserves(FDRXX)
Dec17 1m-1% 3m+7% 6m+18% 12m+18% 24m+46% 36m+28% 60m+92% 120m-5%
Nov17 1m+0% 3m+9% 6m+16% 12m+26% 24m+45% 36m+32% 60m+97% 120m-8%
Average annual return since 1/82 11%
IRA#2 is currently invested in:
20% – EmergingEuropeMiddleEastAfrica(FEMEX)(29Jan18) from CashReserves(FDRXX)
20% – SBrokerageandInvestmentManagement(FSLBX)(22Jan18) from CashReserves(FDRXX)
20% – SRetailing(FSRPX)(16Jan18) from CashReserves(FDRXX)
20% – SSemiconductors(FSELX)(26Dec17) from CashReserves(FDRXX)
20% – EmergingMarketsIndex – IC(FPEMX)(24Jul17) from CashResrves(FDRXX)
Dec17 1m-0% 3m+4% 6m+7% 12m+13% 24m+23% 36m+22% 60m+35% 120m+41%
Nov17 1m+1% 3m+4% 6m+5% 12m+16% 24m+21% 36m+23% 60m+35% 120m+33%
Average annual return since 1/82 11%

19 January 2018

A good week, time to buy. The sum of all the deviations has been 1047, 1069, and now 1195.
The number of funds I rate as a buy over the last 3 weeks has been 30, 92, and now 63.
The uptrend continues but at a slower pace.

On Wall Street Week, Glen Hutchins, co-founder of North Island – an investment research firm, feels the tax reform bill just passed will produce a sugar high in the market which will pass soon and due to the increase in the national debt, the market growth may not continue. He indicates major investors plan to stay invested until they see the crash coming and then get out. He feels there are opportunities in financial services and technology. One of the companies he is working with is Virtu Financial – a high-frequency trading and market making firm.
Wall Street Week is not the same without Louis Rukeyser and the new show format is much worse than the old format.

On the Nightly Business Report tonight, they indicated that the governemnt shutdown has little effect and in the past, 2 weeks after the shutdown ends, the DJIA and S&P are up 3%. They also discussed that after the tax rates were cut in 86 the market fell 23% in one day in 87. The market monitor Friday indicated he liked Tesla (TSLA), Control4 (CTRL), and MGM Resorts (MGM).

IRA#1 and IRS#2
SSemiconductors has a price of 117.88, a sell price 111.99, and a rank of 12, and is a hold. (ETF – ARKW)
EmergingMarketsIndex – InvC has a price of 12.15, a sell price 11.54, and a rank of 10, and is a hold. (ETF – EEMO)
SRetailing has a price of 142.93, a sell price 135.78, a rank of 01, and is a hold. (ETF – RTH)
SBrokerageandInvestmentManagement has a price of 87.69, a sell price TBD, a rank of 02, and is a BUY. (ETF – CHIX)

My mutual fund portfolio changes this weekend:
IRA #1 – None
IRA #2 – Invest 20% in SBrokerageandInvestmentManagement

My mutual fund portfolio market exposure after this weekend’s changes:
IRA #1 – 100% invested
IRA #2 – 80% invested

The top 20 (out of 100+ I follow) Fidelity funds (percent deviation, rank & weeks on top 20 list, fund symbol, fund price, fund name, and %dev increasing last 2 weeks).
This week:
18.75 01-10 FSRPX 142.93 SRetailing
16.70 02-08 FSLBX 87.69 SBrokerageandInvestmentManagement Yes
16.39 03-06 FHKCX 38.33 ChinaReqion
16.34 04-05 FEMEX 10.96 EmergingEuropeMiddleEastAfrica Yes
15.51 05-02 FSDAX 177.56 SDefense&Aerospace
15.38 06-15 FFGCX 13.92 GlobalCommodityStock
15.37 07-05 FSENX 46.85 SEnergy
15.19 08-03 FBSOX 58.54 SITServices Yes
15.07 09-08 FSRFX 110.01 STransportation
14.96 10-04 FPEMX 12.15 EmergingMarketsIndex – InvC Yes
14.79 11-03 FTQGX 24.56 FocusedStock Yes
14.64 12-17 FSELX 117.88 SSemiconductors
14.50 13-02 FSCPX 44.42 SConsumerDiscretionary Yes
14.43 14-03 FSPTX 192.36 STechnology Yes
14.38 15-02 FSAIX 88.85 SAirTransportation
14.23 16-01 FEMKX 34.54 EmergingMarkets
14.01 17-05 FSEAX 47.18 EmergingAsia
14.00 18-02 FSVLX 16.93 SConsumerFinance
13.97 19-01 FLGEX 20.08 LargeCapGrowthEnhancedIndex Yes
13.92 20-01 FIDSX 120.79 SFinancialServices Yes
Last week
18.87 01-09 FSRPX 141.66 SRetailing Yes
18.12 02-04 FSENX 47.58 SEnergy Yes
17.15 03-14 FFGCX 14.02 GlobalCommodityStock Yes
17.00 04-05 FHKCX 38.20 ChinaReqion Yes
16.77 05-07 FSRFX 110.75 STransportation Yes
16.59 06-01 FSESX 51.42 SEnergyService Yes
16.41 07-07 FSLBX 86.70 SBrokerageandInvestmentManagement Yes
16.18 08-01 FSDAX 177.13 SDefense&Aerospace Yes
15.49 09-01 FSAIX 89.03 SAirTransportation Yes
14.99 10-01 FSVLX 16.95 SConsumerFinance Yes
14.56 11-04 FEMEX 10.70 EmergingEuropeMiddleEastAfrica Yes
14.20 12-04 FSEAX 46.91 EmergingAsia Yes
14.10 13-02 FBSOX 57.52 SITServices Yes
14.09 14-02 FTQGX 24.22 FocusedStock Yes
13.90 15-01 FSCPX 43.85 SConsumerDiscretionary Yes
13.89 16-16 FSELX 116.21 SSemiconductors
13.87 17-03 FPEMX 11.94 EmergingMarketsIndex – InvC Yes
13.85 18-02 FSPTX 189.93 STechnology Yes
13.83 19-02 FSCHX 188.11 SChemicals Yes
13.78 20-01 FCYIX 38.60 SIndustrials Yes

IRA#1 is currently invested in:
100% – SSemiconductors(FSELX)(26Dec17) from CashReserves(FDRXX)
Nov17 1m+0% 3m+9% 6m+16% 12m+26% 24m+45% 36m+32% 60m+97% 120m-8%
Oct17 1m+7% 3m+12% 6m+22% 12m27% 24m+39% 36m+34% 60m+102% 120m-21%
Average annual return since 1/82 11%
IRA#2 is currently invested in:
20% – SBrokerageandInvestmentManagement(FSLBX)(22Jan18) from CashReserves(FDRXX)
20% – SRetailing(FSRPX)(16Jan18) from CashReserves(FDRXX)
20% – SSemiconductors(FSELX)(26Dec17) from CashReserves(FDRXX)
20% – CashReserves(FDRXX)(11Dec17) ChinaRegion(FHKCX)(16Oct17)
20% – EmergingMarketsIndex – IC(FPEMX)(24Jul17) from CashResrves(FDRXX)
Nov17 1m+1% 3m+4% 6m+5% 12m+16% 24m+21% 36m+23% 60m+35% 120m+33%
Oct17 1m+3% 3m+5% 6m+8% 12m17% 24m+19% 36m+26% 6

12 January 2018

A good, good week, time to buy. The sum of all the deviations has been 798, 1047, and now 1169.
The number of funds I rate as a buy over the last 3 weeks has been 29, 30, and now 92.
I do not remember a time when 92 of the 100 funds I follow were rated as buy.

On Wednesday’s Zacks Market Edge, Tracey Ryniec discussed Warren Buffett, and Sir John Templeton, and announced you can get a 30 day trail at all of Zacks portfolios for $1. The value investing portfolio (including weekly report), growth portfolio, ETF portfolio, income portfolio, stocks under $10 portfolio. Go to Zacks.com/value to sign up.

IRA#1 and IRS#2
SSemiconductors has a price of 116.69, a sell price 110.86, and a rank of 05, and is a hold. (ETF – ARKW)
EmergingMarketsIndex – InvC has a price of 11.85, a sell price 11.26, and a rank of 10, and is a hold. (ETF – EEMO)
SRetailing has a price of 141.66, a sell price TBD, a rank of 01, and is a buy. (ETF – RTH) (My ETF RTH order is in at Fidelity, so I know the symbol is correct.)

My mutual fund portfolio changes this weekend:
IRA #1 – None
IRA #2 – Invest 20% in SRetailing

My mutual fund portfolio market exposure after this weekend’s changes:
IRA #1 – 100% invested
IRA #2 – 60% invested

The top 20 (out of 100+ I follow) Fidelity funds (percent deviation, rank & weeks on top 20 list, fund symbol, fund price, fund name, and %dev increasing last 2 weeks).
This week:
18.87 01-09 FSRPX 141.66 SRetailing Yes
18.12 02-04 FSENX 47.58 SEnergy Yes
17.15 03-14 FFGCX 14.02 GlobalCommodityStock Yes
17.00 04-05 FHKCX 38.20 ChinaReqion Yes
16.77 05-07 FSRFX 110.75 STransportation Yes
16.59 06-01 FSESX 51.42 SEnergyService Yes
16.41 07-07 FSLBX 86.70 SBrokerageandInvestmentManagement Yes
16.18 08-01 FSDAX 177.13 SDefense&Aerospace Yes
15.49 09-01 FSAIX 89.03 SAirTransportation Yes
14.99 10-01 FSVLX 16.95 SConsumerFinance Yes
14.56 11-04 FEMEX 10.70 EmergingEuropeMiddleEastAfrica Yes
14.20 12-04 FSEAX 46.91 EmergingAsia Yes
14.10 13-02 FBSOX 57.52 SITServices Yes
14.09 14-02 FTQGX 24.22 FocusedStock Yes
13.90 15-01 FSCPX 43.85 SConsumerDiscretionary Yes
13.89 16-16 FSELX 116.21 SSemiconductors
13.87 17-03 FPEMX 11.94 EmergingMarketsIndex – InvC Yes
13.85 18-02 FSPTX 189.93 STechnology Yes
13.83 19-02 FSCHX 188.11 SChemicals Yes
13.78 20-01 FCYIX 38.60 SIndustrials Yes
Last week corrected
16.45 01-04 FHKCX 37.68 ChinaReqion
16.43 02-08 FSRPX 137.38 SRetailing
15.98 03-03 FSENX 46.27 SEnergy Yes
15.27 04-13 FFGCX 13.67 GlobalCommodityStock Yes
15.21 05-15 FSELX 116.69 SSemiconductors
14.47 06-03 FEMEX 10.61 EmergingEuropeMiddleEastAfrica Yes
14.13 07-03 FSEAX 46.53 EmergingAsia Yes
13.92 08-06 FSVLX 16.66 SConsumerFinance
13.87 09-06 FSRFX 107.04 STransportation
13.84 10-02 FPEMX 11.85 EmergingMarketsIndex – InvC Yes
13.76 11-02 FEMKX 33.90 EmergingMarkets Yes
13.34 12-01 FSPTX 187.71 STechnology
13.31 13-01 FSCSX 172.86 SSoftware&ITServices
13.26 14-13 FPBFX 36.38 PacificBasin Yes
13.17 15-01 FBSOX 56.63 SITServices
13.07 16-01 FSCHX 185.48 SChemicals
13.06 17-06 FSLBX 83.48 SBrokerageandInvestmentManagement
12.64 18-01 FLGEX 19.56 LargeCapGrowthEnhancedIndex
12.57 19-01 FSDPX 94.55 SMaterials Yes
12.43 20-01 FTQGX 23.69 FocusedStock

IRA#1 is currently invested in:
100% – SSemiconductors(FSELX)(26Dec17) from CashReserves(FDRXX)
Nov17 1m+0% 3m+9% 6m+16% 12m+26% 24m+45% 36m+32% 60m+97% 120m-8%
Oct17 1m+7% 3m+12% 6m+22% 12m27% 24m+39% 36m+34% 60m+102% 120m-21%
Average annual return since 1/82 11%
IRA#2 is currently invested in:
20% – SSemiconductors(FSELX)(26Dec17) from CashReserves(FDRXX)
20% – SRetailing(FSRPX)(16Jan18) from CashReserves(FDRXX)
20% – CashReserves(FDRXX)(11Dec17) STechnology(FSPTX)(01May17)
20% – CashReserves(FDRXX)(11Dec17) ChinaRegion(FHKCX)(16Oct17)
20% – EmergingMarketsIndex – IC(FPEMX)(24Jul17) from CashResrves(FDRXX)
Nov17 1m+1% 3m+4% 6m+5% 12m+16% 24m+21% 36m+23% 60m+35% 120m+33%
Oct17 1m+3% 3m+5% 6m+8% 12m17% 24m+19% 36m+26% 60m+32% 120m+31%
Average annual return since 1/82 11%

05 January 2018

A good week, time to buy. The sum of all the deviations has been 826, 798, and now 1047.
The number of funds I rate as a buy over the last 3 weeks has been 42, 29, and now 30.
However, since the sum of all the deviations is not up 2 weeks in a row, I will not be be buying – maybe next week.

In the past, I’ve commended on Zacks Market Edge, a podcast featuring Tracey Ryniec. She is a value investor. On 15 Nov she talked about The Best Red-Hot Value Stocks. Her initial search produced 35 stocks. She selected 5 of them to feature in her podcast. CDW,BCC,EC,HUN,HEES were the symbols she discussed. Since her podcast, CDW is up 5%, BCC is up 7%, EC is up 22%, HUN is up 10%, and HEES is up 15% since 16Nov. Listening to her podcasts could be profitable. On her 03Jan18 podcast she felt BWA, FSBW, FL, KELYA, UPL were cheap value stocks which may be worth investigating.

It was an amazing week. Not one of the 100 funds follow were down. If the last week in 2017 had not been a down week, I would be buying. It seems that most US oriented mutuals funds increased in price more than the international funds.

IRA#1 and IRS#2
SSemiconductors has a price of 116.69, a sell price 110.86, and a rank of 05, and is a hold. (ETF – ARKW)
EmergingMarketsIndex – InvC has a price of 11.85, a sell price 11.26, and a rank of 10, and is a hold. (ETF – EEMO)

My mutual fund portfolio changes this weekend:
IRA #1 – None
IRA #2 – None

My mutual fund portfolio market exposure after this weekend’s changes:
IRA #1 – 100% invested
IRA #2 – 40% invested

The top 20 (out of 100+ I follow) Fidelity funds (percent deviation, rank & weeks on top 20 list, fund symbol, fund price, fund name, and %dev increasing last 2 weeks).
This week:
16.45 01-04 FHKCX 37.68 ChinaReqion
16.43 02-08 FSRPX 137.38 SRetailing
15.98 03-03 FSENX 46.27 SEnergy Yes
15.27 04-13 FFGCX 13.67 GlobalCommodityStock Yes
15.21 05-15 FSELX 116.69 SSemiconductors
14.47 06-03 FEMEX 10.61 EmergingEuropeMiddleEastAfrica Yes
14.13 07-03 FSEAX 46.53 EmergingAsia Yes
13.92 08-06 FSVLX 16.66 SConsumerFinance
13.87 09-06 FSRFX 107.04 STransportation
13.84 10-02 FPEMX 11.85 EmergingMarketsIndex – InvC Yes
13.76 11-02 FEMKX 33.90 EmergingMarkets Yes
13.34 12-01 FSPTX 187.71 STechnology
13.31 13-01 FSCSX 172.86 SSoftware&ITServices
13.26 14-13 FPBFX 36.38 PacificBasin Yes
13.17 15-01 FBSOX 56.63 SITServices
13.07 16-01 FSCHX 185.48 SChemicals
13.06 17-06 FSLBX 83.48 SBrokerageandInvestmentManagement
12.64 18-01 FLGEX 19.56 LargeCapGrowthEnhancedIndex
12.57 19-01 FSDPX 94.55 SMaterials Yes
12.43 20-01 FTQGX 23.69 FocusedStock
Last week corrected
13.85 01-07 FSRPX 133.17 SRetailing
12.97 02-02 FSENX 44.69 SEnergy Yes
12.53 03-02 FEMEX 10.35 EmergingEuropeMiddleEastAfrica Yes
12.17 04-03 FHKCX 35.98 ChinaReqion
12.04 05-12 FFGCX 13.18 GlobalCommodityStock Yes
11.75 06-05 FSRFX 104.28 STransportation
11.66 07-05 FSVLX 16.21 SConsumerFinance
11.50 08-05 FSLBX 81.76 SBrokerageandInvestmentManagement
11.31 09-02 FSEAX 45.04 EmergingAsia Yes
11.24 10-12 FPBFX 35.48 PacificBasin Yes
11.20 11-14 FSELX 111.73 SSemiconductors
11.16 12-23 FSDAX 166.95 SDefense&Aerospace
11.13 13-02 FSHOX 64.87 SConstructionandHousing Yes
10.93 14-04 FSAIX 84.29 SAirTransportation
10.76 15-06 FJSCX 18.96 JapanSmallerCompanies
10.70 16-01 FEMKX 32.75 EmergingMarkets Yes
10.42 17-01 FPEMX 11.41 EmergingMarketsIndex – InvC Yes
10.12 18-01 FSCOX 19.34 InternationalSmallCapOpportunities Yes
9.94 19-05 FIDSX 114.22 SFinancialServices
9.89 20-02 FCYIX 36.79 SIndustrials

IRA#1 is currently invested in:
100% – SSemiconductors(FSELX)(26Dec17) from CashReserves(FDRXX)
Nov17 1m+0% 3m+9% 6m+16% 12m+26% 24m+45% 36m+32% 60m+97% 120m-8%
Oct17 1m+7% 3m+12% 6m+22% 12m27% 24m+39% 36m+34% 60m+102% 120m-21%
Average annual return since 1/82 11%
IRA#2 is currently invested in:
20% – SSemiconductors(FSELX)(26Dec17) from CashReserves(FDRXX)
20% – CashReserves(FDRXX)(11Dec17) STechnology(FSPTX)(01May17)
20% – CashReserves(FDRXX)(11Dec17) ChinaRegion(FHKCX)(16Oct17)
20% – CashReserves(FDRXX)(30Oct17 from SBiotechnology(FBIOX)
20% – EmergingMarketsIndex – IC(FPEMX)(24Jul17) from CashResrves(FDRXX)
Nov17 1m+1% 3m+4% 6m+5% 12m+16% 24m+21% 36m+23% 60m+35% 120m+33%
Oct17 1m+3% 3m+5% 6m+8% 12m17% 24m+19% 36m+26% 60m+32% 120m+31%
Average annual return since 1/82 11%