Doug Fabian has an interesting weekly ETF report. This week’s report can be viewed at On of his key indicators is the 200day moving average line. If an ETF/stock/mutualfund passes below that moving average line, he sells.
James Rohrbach was a guest on one of Gary Kaltbaum shows this week. He produces a couple of reports each week where he says be in the NYSE and/or Nasdaq or be out. His latest signals for the NYSE was a sell on 7/24 and for Nasdaq was a sell on 6/29. He suggest the ProFunds or Rydex funds for intesting in the NYSE – SP500. When you think the market is in an up trend, send an email to and he will send you his latest news letter.
Returns for the month of July were poor.
In July IRA#1 -5%, IRA#2 +2%, PDP PIE PIZ DWAS +1%, QQQ -2%, SPY/RSP -1%, Power4 +0%.
For the last 3 months, IRA#1 -9%, IRS#2 +3%, PDPetc +1%, QQQ new, SPY/RSP new, Power4 +2%.
May portfolio changes:
IRA#1 – Purchased SBiotechnology on 07/20.
IRA#2 – Purchased SmallCapGrowth on 07/20, sold SBiotechnology on 07/27.
PDP PIE PIX DWAS – Purhased PDP on 7/17, sold PDP on 7/27.
QQQ – Purchased QQQ on 7/17, sold half QQQ on 7/27 – first month for this portfolio.
SPY/RSP – Purchased SPY on 07/17 – first month for this portfolio.
Power4 – Sold PTF on 07/07, purhased PTF on 7/17.
IBD TBP’s Market Pulse is “Market in Correction”
This was probably one of the worst weeks I’ve had. I think that if a federal reserve guy had not come out on Wed and indicated perhaps they would not raise rates in Sep. the market might not have had the big rally it had. Then on Thursday we had the newly improved gross domestic product number – this is at least the second time this administration has change the calculation to make it look better. As the Follow The Money Weekly podcast said on 29Jul15, “We do not have free markets – central planning by governments are controlling the markets.” China’s central planning is failing. Is our’s next?
My current investments:
My portfolio changes this weekend:
IRA #1 – None
IRA #2 – None
My portfolio market exposure after this weekend’s changes:
IRA #1 – 00% invested
IRA #2 – 00% invested