20 June 2014

Last weekend Consuelo Mack on her WealthTrack show featured Michael Hasenstab who manages the Templeton Global Bond Fund. Each week the guest is asked what is the number one investment everyone should own. Mr. Hasenstab suggested Ukrainian government bonds. Doing a Google seach on Ukrainian bonds will show you the Ukraine just issued $1B in bonds – backed by YOU, the US tax payer. Sort of make one wonder how much debt the US really is has.

In February I mentioned that Invesco PowerShares changed 10 of their ETF portfolio to managed momentum portfolios following Dorsey Wright’s definition of relative strength. The announcement of these ETF changes can be found at http://www.invescopowershares.com/news/pdf/P-CHNG-PR-1-E-2013.pdf . These are managed ETFs similar to the PDP, PIZ, PIE, & DWAS (mentioned in previous comments) except the stocks in the portfolios are based in one sector. I’ve been following the 10 EFS for several months calculating their 13 week percent change. At the end of May, in a small account I use for banking, I purchaed PXI (PowerShares DWA Energy Momentum Portfolio) at 59.35 since it was the best performing of the 10. This week it close at 65.85. In rating the 10 EFTs based of their 13 week performance, PXI has been the best over the last 5 weeks. PUI is second, and PYZ is third. 3 of the 10 are down over the last 13 weeks. I update my stop loss at 8% from the highest close since purchased every night. My current stop loss is 60.58 based on the 20 Jun close. The 33 stocks the ETF owns is updated daily at www.invesco.com.

IBD TBP’s Current Outlook is “confirmed uptrend” – time to invest.

My current investments:
Nordic has a price of 48.67 a sell price 46.94, a relative rank of 13, and is a hold.
SAirTransportation has a price of 66.28, a sell price 64.21, a relative rank of 08, and is a hold.
SElectronics has a price of 77.83, a sell price 73.94, a relative rank of 01, and is a hold.
STransportation has a price of 83.74, a sell price of 79.55, a relative rank of 07, and is a hold.
SNaturalGas has a price of 46.15, a sell price 43.84, a relative rank of 02, and is a buy.

My portfolio changes this weekend:
IRA #1 – no change
IRA #2 – no change

My portfolio market exposure after this weekend’s changes:
IRA #1 – 100% invested
IRA #2 – 100% invested