20 April 2018

A good week, a buy week. The sum of all the deviations has been 150, 318, and now 367 – weekly up two weeks in a row.
The number of funds I rate as a buy over the last 3 weeks has been 07, 04, and now 67.
Not an exciting week, but the numbers say buy so I am buying.

Almost every day I get the opportunity to observe some bureaucratic stupidity. As most of you know, during tax season I work preparing taxes. On the last day I efile a return and with all the IRS problems it took until 9:30 pm to be accepted by the IRS, but it also included an Ohio state return. IRS and state returns are efiled at the same time but the state returns take several hours to get accepted. So this Ohio return arrived at 11 minutes after midnight and was rejected as being late. It should have been accepted with maybe a letter sent requesting a late payment fee – but accept the return. I am so glad Florida has no personal income returns.

In my opinion, the market is slowly forming a top. The volume of the latest up moves in not strong. SEnergy has been moving up fast and I only hope it continues. In addition to SEnergy, for my ETFs accounts I am buying two ETFs. While in the same industry, it does provide a small amount of diversification.

SEnergy has a price of 46.52, a sell price TBD, a rank of 02, and is a BUY. (ETF – IEO, PXI)
SEnergy has a price of 46.52, a sell price TBD, a rank of 02, and is a BUY. (ETF – IEO, PXI)

My mutual fund portfolio changes this weekend:
IRA #1 – Invest 100% in FSENX – SEnergy
IRA #2 – Invest 20% in FSENX – SEnergy

My mutual fund portfolio market exposure after this weekend’s changes:
IRA #1 – 100% invested
IRA #2 – 20% invested

The top 20 (out of 100+ I follow) Fidelity funds (percent deviation, rank & weeks on top 20 list, fund symbol, fund price, fund name, and %dev increasing last 2 weeks).
This week:
10.66 01-02 FSENX 46.52 SEnergy Yes
10.47 02-13 FSDAX 179.07 SDefense&Aerospace Yes
9.13 03-11 FSDCX 37.37 SCommunicationsEquipment Yes
8.69 04-23 FSRPX 141.07 SRetailing Yes
8.40 05-03 FFGCX 13.67 GlobalCommodityStock Yes
8.07 06-15 FBSOX 57.97 SITServices Yes
7.89 07-10 FCPGX 26.87 SmallCapGrowth Yes
7.46 08-13 FSCSX 174.47 SSoftware&ITServices Yes
7.27 09-05 FSCOX 20.37 InternationalSmallCapOpportunities
7.06 10-02 FTQGX 24.28 FocusedStock Yes
6.51 11-12 FSPTX 172.89 STechnology
5.84 12-01 FSCPX 42.76 SConsumerDiscretionary Yes
5.82 13-01 FDCAX 36.92 CapitalAppreciation Yes
5.80 14-01 FCNTX 127.34 Contrafund Yes
5.55 15-01 FSLBX 79.78 SBrokerageandInvestmentManagement Yes
5.51 16-02 FOCPX 115.53 OTCPortfolio Yes
5.50 17-02 FBGRX 92.04 BlueChipGrowth Yes
5.43 18-01 FTRNX 102.29 Trend Yes
5.27 19-05 FCONX 10.03 ConservativeIncomeBond
5.25 20-03 FISMX 30.53 InternationalSmallCap Yes
last week:
8.25 01-01 FSELX 111.77 SSemiconductors
8.20 02-12 FSDAX 174.43 SDefense&Aerospace
7.93 03-10 FSDCX 36.78 SCommunicationsEquipment
7.38 04-01 FSENX 44.89 SEnergy
7.32 05-04 FSCOX 20.30 InternationalSmallCapOpportunities
7.29 06-09 FCPGX 26.61 SmallCapGrowth
6.94 07-14 FBSOX 57.12 SITServices
6.80 08-11 FSPTX 172.77 STechnology
6.64 09-22 FSRPX 137.77 SRetailing
6.57 10-02 FFGCX 13.38 GlobalCommodityStock
6.12 11-12 FSCSX 171.62 SSoftware&ITServices
5.37 12-04 FEDDX 15.93 EmergingMarketsDiscovery
5.36 13-02 FIREX 11.86 InternationalRealEstate Yes
5.35 14-04 FCONX 10.01 ConservativeIncomeBond
5.31 15-01 FDCPX 91.98 SComputers
5.23 16-18 FHKCX 36.81 ChinaReqion
4.95 17-01 FBGRX 91.30 BlueChipGrowth
4.88 18-01 FOCPX 114.51 OTCPortfolio
4.85 19-01 FTQGX 23.69 FocusedStock
4.64 20-02 FISMX 30.27 InternationalSmallCap t

IRA#1 is currently invested in:
100% – SEnergy(FSENX)(23Apr18) from CashReserves(FDRXX)(12Feb18)
Feb18 1m-6% 3m-1% 6m+7% 12m+13% 24m+53% 36m+13% 60m+79% 120m+11%
Jan18 1m+6% 3m+5% 6m+18% 12m+24% 24m+63% 36m+27% 60m+89% 120m+18%
Average annual return since 1/82 11%
IRA#2 is currently invested in:
20% – SEnergy(FSENX)(23Apr18) from CashReserves(FDRXX)(12Feb18)
20% – CashReserves(FDRXX)(02Apr18) from EmergingEuropeMiddleEastAfrica(FEMEX)(29Jan18)
20% – CashReserves(FDRXX)(26Mar18) from SRetailing(FSRPX)(16Jan18)
20% – CashReserves(FDRXX)(05Mar18) from SBrokerageandInvestmentManagement(FSLBX)(22Jan18)
20% – CashReserves(FDRXX)(12Feb18) from EmergingMarketsIndex – InvC(FPEMX)(24Jul17)
Feb18 1m-4% 3m-1% 6m+3% 12m+6% 24m+28% 36m+17% 60m+29% 120m+39%
Jan18 1m+3% 3m+4% 6m+9% 12m+15% 24m+33% 36m+26% 60m+36% 120m+44%
Average annual return since 1/82 11%

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