Monday after the market close, Investors Business Daily changed The Market Outlook to “Uptrend Under Pressure” and then on Wednesday evening IBD changed it back to “Confirmed Uptrend”. The market is over due for a correction of at least 10% but until the market decides to ignore the money the Fed pumps into the market, the correction probably will not happen.
On 15Jan14 in IBD’s The Big Picture column they revisited some of John Templeton’s comment – he passed away in 2008. “Legendary investory John Templeton said there are four phases to a bull market. Bull markets are ‘born on pessimism, grow on skepticism, mature on optimism, and die on euphoria.’ What part of the game are we in now? Most market watchers would probably argue that this game is in either the third or fourth quarter. Euphoria hasn’t stepped into the field. The difficulty is that things happen fast in the euphoria phase.”
IBD TBP’s Current Outlook is “Confirmed Uptrend” – time to invest.
SBiotechnology is still in a strong uptrend. A little scarey, but the numbers say buy.
My current investments:
SAutomotive has a price of $56.18, a sell price $53.51, a relative rank of 45, and will be sold when I need to exchange it for another fund or it passes the sell price.
Nordic has a price of 45.00, a sell price 42.75, a relative rank of 05, and is a hold.
SSoftware&ComputerServices has a price of 120.23, a sell price 114.22, a relative rank of 04, and is a hold.
SAirTransportation has a price of 61.83, a sell price 58.74, a relative rank of 03, and is a hold.
SBiotechnology has a price of 207.44, a sell price TBD, a relative rank of 01, and is a buy
My portfolio changes this weekend:
IRA #1 – None
IRA #2 – Invest 20% in SBiotechnology.
My portfolio market exposure after this weekend’s changes
IRA #1 – 100% invested
IRA #2 – 100% invested