16 December 2016

So I am late this week – Yes it is Wednesday but I have been contributing to the economy with a week at WDW.

How well is your pension plan being managed? If you have a pension plan (public or private) you might want to check. “For the first time in its 85-year history, the California Public Employees Retirement System, CalPERS, is drastically cutting benefits for public retirees. Starting January 1st, four retired City of Loyalton public employees will have their pensions cut 60 percent. For 71-year-old Patsy Jardin, that means her pension will drop from about $49,000 a year to a little more than $19,000.”

Fidelity is correct about 95% to the time. Saturday I called (800-fidelity) since the list of current fund distribution was not current. The rep told me I was looking at the wrong list and to look at a list of all estimated year end distributions which was was updated to reflect current distributions. It was not. Then he explained that the distributions had not been determined and the list would be updated when the distributions were determined – a absolute lie since you could look at every fund and see the what the distribution was. I just did not want to look up 120 funds. So I gave up.
I called Monday morning the guy said he would have it researched. But he did not lie to me.
I called Tuesday evening and the lady talked to another rep and determined they did not know who did it but would get it done and provide me with progress reports and they did not lie to me.
On the first call I gave my userid/password and ended up with a rep in the active trading group (ATG). EVERY call I’ve ever made when the ATG answers has resulted in an arogent SOB who thinks he knows everything, will tell me anything to get me off the call, and/or lies to me. When I have not identified myself, I have always gotten satisfactory service. I just forgot and put my uerid/pwasword on the first call this time.

“The DecisionPoint Report” from Stockcharts.com:
On Friday, 16Nov, the short term outlook is bearish, intermediate term is neutral to bullish, long term outlook is neutral to bullish – expecting a short term pull back.

My S&P500 is in RSP (SPY EW) which has a price of 87.84, 50 day MA of 84.11, a 200 day MA of 81.41, and a 7% stop loss is 82.18. This is not an investment to buy and hold.

IBD TBP’s Market Pulse is “Confirmed Uptrend” as of 08Dec. Time to invest. Except none of the top 20 out of 120 funds I follow is a buy.

My current investments:
IRA#1 and IRA#2
SBanking has a price of 32.03, a sell price 30.82, a rank of 01, and is a hold. (ETF – KRE- current stoploss 52.18)
SSemiconductors has a price of 95.87, a sell price 91.08, a rank of 05, and is a hold. ( ETF – SMH – current stoploss 67.43)
SComputers has a price of 75.07, a sell price 71.73, a rank of 24, and is a hold for now. (ETF – SOXX – current stoploss 115.86)
STransportation has a price of 91.20, a sell price 88.92, a rank of 07, and is a hold. (ETF – XTN – current stoploss 52.76)
SNaturalGas has a price of 29.93, a sell price 28.43, a rank of 03, and is a Buy. (ETF – XES – current stoploss 21.70)
Generally I would be selling SComputers since it is not one of the top 20, however none of the top 20 have had an increasing deviation for two weeks.
Some sell prices and stoplosses have been adjusted to reflect distributions.

My portfolio changes this weekend:
IRA #1 – None
IRA #2 – None

My portfolio market exposure after this weekend’s changes:
IRA #1 – 100% invested
IRA #2 – 100% invested

The top 20 (out of 100+ I follow) Fidelity funds (percent deviation, rank & weeks on top 20 list, fund symbol, fund price, fund name, and %dev increasing last 2 weeks).
This week:
22.05 01-09 FSRBX 32.03 SBanking
16.51 02-03 FSESX 55.42 SEnergyService
15.74 03-05 FSNGX 29.93 SNaturalGas
14.70 04-06 FIDSX 98.90 SFinancialServices
14.45 05-24 FSELX 95.87 SSemiconductors
14.43 06-05 FCPEX 14.32 SmallCapEnchancedIndex
14.04 07-07 FSRFX 91.20 STransportation
13.93 08-07 FSAIX 75.04 SAirTransportation
13.92 09-06 FSLBX 68.40 SBrokerageandInvestmentManagement
12.66 10-05 FSENX 47.50 SEnergy
12.65 11-06 FARNX 12.95 EventDrivenOpportunities
11.34 12-06 FSVLX 13.46 SConsumerFinance
10.35 13-06 FSPCX 77.49 SInsurance
10.14 14-03 FNARX 30.93 SNaturalResources
10.06 15-01 FCYIX 32.42 SIndustrials
9.84 16-01 FSDCX 33.20 SCommunicationsEquipment
9.61 17-06 FLCSX 29.59 LargeCapStock
9.43 18-03 FSCHX 149.19 SChemicals
9.24 19-02 FDSCX 26.20 StockSelectorSmallCap
8.95 20-08 FSDAX 129.08 SDefense&Aerospace
Last week:
25.07 01-08 FSRBX 32.69 SBanking
18.21 02-04 FSNGX 30.44 SNaturalGas Yes
18.00 03-02 FSESX 55.64 SEnergyService Yes
17.91 04-06 FSRFX 95.42 STransportation
17.62 05-05 FSLBX 70.97 SBrokerageandInvestmentManagement
16.91 06-06 FSAIX 76.94 SAirTransportation
16.68 07-04 FCPEX 14.49 SmallCapEnchancedIndex
16.60 08-05 FIDSX 100.76 SFinancialServices
16.03 09-05 FARNX 13.25 EventDrivenOpportunities
14.93 10-23 FSELX 95.54 SSemiconductors
14.51 11-04 FSENX 48.16 SEnergy Yes
14.08 12-05 FSVLX 13.92 SConsumerFinance
12.31 13-02 FNARX 31.47 SNaturalResources Yes
12.00 14-07 FSDAX 137.68 SDefense&Aerospace
11.50 15-01 FDSCX 26.61 StockSelectorSmallCap
11.40 16-05 FSPCX 78.63 SInsurance
11.32 17-02 FFGCX 11.56 GlobalCommodity Stock Yes
11.19 18-02 FSCHX 157.91 SChemicals Yes
11.12 19-01 FSSPX 18.99 SmallCapIndex – IC
10.76 20-05 FLCSX 29.75 LargeCapStock

IRA#1 is currently invested in:
100% – SBanking(FSRBX)(21Nov16) from CashReserves(FDRXX)
Oct16 1m-8% 3m-6% 6m-1% 12m+10% 24m+6% 36m+11% 60m44% 120m-1%
Sep16 1m+1% 3m+8% 6m+32% 12m+23% 24m+9% 36m+22% 60m52% 120m+6%
Average annual return since 1/82 11%
IRA#2 is currently invested in:
20% – SNaturalGas(FSNGX)(12Dec16) from CashReserves(FDRXX)
20% – STransportation(FSRFX)(28Nov16) from CashReserves(FDRXX)
20% – SBanking(FSRBX)(21Nov16) from CashReserves(FDRXX)
20% – SComputers(FDCPX)(03Oct16) from CashReserves(FDRXX)
20% – SSemiconductors(FSELX)(08Aug16) from CashReserves(FDRXX)
Oct16 1m-5% 3m-6% 6m+4% 12m+1% 24m+7% 36m+4% 60m+15% 120m+17%
Sep16 1m+2% 3m+3% 6m+13% 12m+7% 24m+9% 36m+8% 60m+20% 120m+20%
Average annual return since 1/82 11%

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