A not a very good week, not a bad week. Time to do nothing. The sum of all the deviations has been 784, 762, and now 763.
The number of funds I rate as a buy over the last 3 weeks has been 43, 19, and now 12.
When Fidelity finally published their complete distribution list, I updated my last week numbers. There were same minor rank changes but none it the top 20.
This week Fidelity had 100+ funds with distributions, many of which I follow. Like last week, their distribution list was not updated, so I looked up the distributions the top 30 funds from last week and used Fidelity’s year end estimate for the others. I will correct the listings during the week when Fidelity gets its act together.
This week the evening radio show I listen to, Gary Kaltbaum, said Chinese, technology, and growth stocks are done for now. The leaders for the next market move will be transportation, finance, and housing. He may be right.
There is an old market adage “Buy on the rumor, sell on the news.” So the market has been going up pending a tax cut, it will soon pass, and become law or the Republicans may snatch defeat from the jaws of victory (as they seem to do) and it will not become law. Either way it could be a bad coming month. In January 2016 the DIA, SPY, and QQQ (ETFs for the DJIA, S&P500, and Nasdaq 100) all fell by 10, 11, and 12 percent between 29Dec and 20Jan. The market never really started to go up until Janet Yellen, our chairman of the Federal Reserve board, called the heads of the EU and Japanese national banks and asked them to start printing more money.
All in all I’m looking forward to a tax cut and have written and called my representatives telling them if they vote against my tax cut, I will vote against them. I think the government takes too much in taxes now and will feel the same if/when the tax cut is passed. The problem our government has is too much spending.
IRA#1 no investments.
EmergingMarketsIndex – IC has a price of 11.02, a sell price 10.47, and a rank of 45, and is a hold for now. (ETF – EEMO)
My mutual fund portfolio changes this weekend:
IRA #1 – None
IRA #2 – None
My mutual fund portfolio market exposure after this weekend’s changes:
IRA #1 – 00% invested
IRA #2 – 20% invested
The top 20 (out of 100+ I follow) Fidelity funds (percent deviation, rank & weeks on top 20 list, fund symbol, fund price, fund name, and %dev increasing last 2 weeks).
This week:
13.56 01-05 FSRPX 130.85 SRetailing
12.50 02-03 FSLBX 81.46 SBrokerageandInvestmentManagement
12.46 03-12 FSELX 111.53 SSemiconductors
12.15 04-21 FSDAX 166.43 SDefense&Aerospace Yes
12.13 05-03 FSVLX 16.07 SConsumerFinance
11.53 06-09 FSCSX 167.28 SSoftware&ITServices Yes
11.39 07-47 FSPTX 181.35 STechnology
11.29 08-06 FLGEX 18.99 LargeCapGrowthEnhancedIndex
11.26 09-04 FJSCX 18.83 JapanSmallerCompanies
11.12 10-11 FBSOX 54.64 SITServices Yes
11.09 11-03 FSRFX 102.34 STransportation
10.97 12-02 FSAIX 83.32 SAirTransportation Yes
10.71 13-03 FIDSX 113.75 SFinancialServices
10.62 14-03 FSUIX 13.54 LargeCapGrowthIndex – IC
10.27 15-02 FOCPX 111.00 OTCPortfolio Yes
10.11 16-10 FPBFX 34.71 PacificBasin
10.02 17-03 FDLSX 165.23 SLeisure
9.95 18-02 FBGRX 88.06 BlueChipGrowth Yes
9.78 19-07 FDCPX 89.44 SComputers
9.69 20-01 FHKCX 34.73 ChinaReqion
Last week corrected
14.10 01-04 FSRPX 135.31 SRetailing Yes
13.76 02-02 FSLBX 86.29 SBrokerageandInvestmentManagement Yes
12.57 03-02 FSVLX 16.27 SConsumerFinance Yes
12.06 04-02 FSRFX 107.35 STransportation Yes
11.99 05-11 FSELX 110.34 SSemiconductors
11.64 06-02 FIDSX 117.46 SFinancialServices Yes
11.27 07-20 FSDAX 169.12 SDefense&Aerospace Yes
10.71 08-01 FSAIX 89.36 SAirTransportation Yes
10.69 09-02 FDLSX 175.75 SLeisure Yes
10.61 10-02 FSHOX 70.46 SConstructionandHousing Yes
10.56 11-03 FJSCX 18.60 JapanSmallerCompanies
10.54 12-05 FLGEX 18.75 LargeCapGrowthEnhancedIndex
10.37 13-10 FBSOX 55.27 SITServices
10.13 14-08 FSCSX 172.12 SSoftware&ITServices
10.01 15-02 FSUIX 13.39 LargeCapGrowthIndex – IC
9.88 16-46 FSPTX 177.82 STechnology
9.67 17-09 FPBFX 35.92 PacificBasin
9.48 18-06 FDCPX 97.07 SComputers
9.45 19-01 FOCPX 109.58 OTCPortfolio
9.36 20-01 FBGRX 87.13 BlueChipGrowth
IRA#1 is currently invested in:
100% – CashReserves(FDRXX)(12/11/17) from STechnology(FSPTX)(01May17)
Oct17 1m+7% 3m+12% 6m+22% 12m27% 24m+39% 36m+34% 60m+102% 120m-21%
Sep17 1m+1% 3m+10% 6m+14% 12m+9% 24m+34% 36m+20% 60m+94% 120m-16%
Average annual return since 1/82 11%
IRA#2 is currently invested in:
20% – CashReserves(FDRXX)(11Dec17) STechnology(FSPTX)(01May17)
20% – CashReserves(FDRXX)(11Dec17) ChinaRegion(FHKCX)(16Oct17)
20% – CashReserves(FDRXX)(11Dec17) SSemiconductors(FSELX)(09Oct17)
20% – CashReserves(FDRXX)(30Oct17 from SBiotechnology(FBIOX)
20% – EmergingMarketsIndex – IC(FPEMX)(24Jul17) from CashResrves(FDRXX)
Oct17 1m+3% 3m+5% 6m+8% 12m17% 24m+19% 36m+26% 60m+32% 120m+31%
Sep17 1m+0% 3m+3% 6m+4% 12m+9% 24m+17% 36m+19% 60m+25% 120m+10%
Average annual return since 1/82 11%