Investors Business Daily calls the market “Up trend confirmed” based on Wednesday’s market. Then on Thursday IBD says the Nasdaqhad a distribution day – not a good sign.
Every hard asset (copper, gold, silver, etc.) and commodity is going down which in not an indication of a strong economy. However the US and Japan are both spending 4b per day buying bonds – just printing money. Europe is doing the same. The market is one place the money is going. Another place is real estate. The 3 Fidelity real estate funds are a buy. When the governments quit spending money or when the market gets tired of it, look out below. On a related item, last week the US administration decided banks should loosen their credit standards and give home loans to less credit worthy buyers. Perhaps these loans should called subprime loans.
The sum of the deviations (994,765,1006) is not up for the last two weeks – not a time to invest.
The DJ Wilshire 5000 index is above its 50 day moving average and the average is increasing – time to invest. Both do not say buy.
My current investments – a couple of sell prices were adjusted due to fund distributions;
SConstruction&Housing has a price of $53.65, a sell price of $51.09, a relative rank of 21, and is a hold until it falls below the sell price or I need to sell it to buy a better fund.
SAirTransportation has a price of $46.38, a sell price of $44.40, a relative rank of 07, and is a hold.
SmallCapDiscovery has a price of $27.43, a sell price of $26.48, a relative rank of 15, and is a hold.
SmallCapValue has a price of $18.61, a sell price $17.91, a relative rank of 14, and is a hold.
JapanSmallerCompanies has a price of $12.27, a sell price $11.66, a relative rank of 01, and is a hold.
My portfolio changes this weekend:
IRA #1 – None
IRA #2 – None