Central Banks have Lost Control of Markets, 2016 Will Not be Good – Jim Rogers Interview https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K8sW5CHfwfQ
I try to listen to Gary Kaltbaum’s radio show every evening or later on a podcast. Starting last last year he suggested the up market was ending and so far he seems to be correct. You can read an interview with him at http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2016/02/07/gary-kaltbaum-on-breitbart-news-radio-markets-are-crashing-as-fiscal-steroids-wear-off/
On Jim Lange’s podcast, #160 New Social Security Law Changes, he discusses what you need to do if you are eligible for Social Security before 01May16. At his web site, paytaxeslater.com, you can sign up for a free report on the Social Security Law changes. One of his comments was that if you need to take Social Security before full retirement age,
you cannot retire.
The latest podcast #532 from Dorsey Wright & Associates (who developed the method used by DWTR and the 9 ETFs in which it invests) speculated on the probability that cash could be included in the DWTR’s portfolio. It seems cash may have better performance than the other 9 ETFs when DWTR changes it’s portfolio at the end of the month.
IBD TBP’s Market Pulse is “Market in correcction” as of 02/08/16. Not a time to buy. The market has a reputation for predicting the future. I just wonder exactly what sort of problem it is predicting today – major bank failures, a recession, a depression, the election?
My current investments:
IRA#1 and IRA#2
My portfolio changes this weekend:
IRA #1 – None
IRA #2 – None
My portfolio market exposure after this weekend’s changes:
IRA #1 – 00% invested
IRA #2 – 00% invested