A good week, a buy week. The sum of all the deviations has been 481, 611, and now 642 – up 2 weeks in a row.
The number of funds I rate as a buy over the last 3 weeks has been 56, 68, and now 58.
In reviewing some of the market indicators:
SPY (S&P500 ETF) is 3% above its 50 day moving average,
QQQ (Nasdaq 100 ETF) is 5% above its 50 day moving average,
IWM (Russell 2000 ETF) is 4% above its 50 day moving average,
SPY, QQQ, and IWM are above their 200 day moving average.
The sum of the deviations is positive.
A time to buy – Sum of all deviations is up 2 weeks in a row.
I’ve been looking for a simple way to allow anyone to get their own investment ideas so try this: Go to Fidelity.com. Click on the investment products tab. Click on mutual Funds. Click on Pricing, Distributions, and Shareholder Information. Click on Daily pricing for all Fidelity Funds. Verify the Mutual Fund Results are for the previous month. Click on Short Term Performance. Click on 3 Month – to sort by last 3 month gain. Record the top 10 funds. Click on 1 month gain. Record the top 10 funds.
If you had invested in the top 10 3 month gain funds when the October report was published, and sold them when the next report came out, you would have made 1.4% If you had invested in the top 10 1 month gain funds when the October report was published, and sold them when the next report came out, you would have made 2.1%. Since the Fidelity produces the report about the 4th of the month, you gains will be more or less.
SSemiconductors has a price of 12.08, a sell price 11.48, a rank of 01, and is a hold. (ETF – XSD, SMH)
SSemiconductors has a price of 12.08, a sell price 11.48, a rank of 01, and is a hold. (ETF – XSD, SMH)
SConstructionandHousing has a price of 64.24, a sell price 62.21, a rank of 12, and is a hold. (ETF – ITB, PKB)
SWireless has a price of 11.04, a sell price 10.49, a rank of 05, and is a hold. (ETF – IYZ, XTL)
SAutomotive has a price of 37.56, a sell price 35.68, a rank of 02, and is a hold. (ETF – RGI, EXI)
LatinAmerica has a price of 27.55, a sell price 35.68, a rank of 34, and is a hold for now. (ETF – EWW, GXG)
It was sure a bad time to buy LatinAmerica.
My investment changes this weekend:
IRA #1 – none
IRA #2 – none
My mutual fund portfolio market exposure after this weekend’s changes:
IRA #1 – 100% invested
IRA #2 – 100% invested
The top 20 (out of 100+ I follow) Fidelity funds (percent deviation, rank & weeks on top 20 list, fund symbol, fund price, fund name, and %dev increasing last 2 weeks).
%Dev Rnk SYMB Price Fund Name 2wk UP?
Dev Rnk SYMB Price Name 2 UP?
20.93 01-21 FSELX 12.19 SSemiconductors YES
13.70 02-04 FSAVX 37.56 SAutomotive YES
13.55 03-04 FEXPX 21.57 Export&Multinational YES
11.84 04-10 FDCPX 81.20 SComputers YES
11.79 05-13 FWRLX 11.04 SWireless YES
11.57 06-06 FHKCX 37.79 ChinaRegion YES
11.29 07-04 FSRBX 28.42 SBanking YES
11.11 08-38 FSPTX 18.84 STechnology YES
10.82 09-04 FGRIX 41.39 Growth&Income YES
10.51 10-02 FDGFX 30.66 DividendGrowth YES
10.03 11-02 FLCSX 33.54 LargeCapStock YES
9.89 12-31 FSHOX 64.24 SConstructionandHousing NO
9.45 13-01 FIDSX 11.07 SFinancialServices YES
9.26 14-05 FISVX 21.04 SmallCapValueIndex YES
8.92 15-01 FSMVX 23.24 MidCapValueIndex YES
8.84 16-03 FSEAX 46.22 EmergingAsia YES
8.58 17-02 FPBFX 33.34 PacificBasin YES
8.42 18-01 FDVLX 11.06 Value YES
8.39 19-01 FSAIX 80.81 SAirTransportation YES
7.80 20-01 FSDAX 18.92 SDefense&Aerospace YES
Last Week
17.36 01-20 FSELX 11.70 SSemiconductors YES
12.60 02-30 FSHOX 65.48 SConstructionandHousing NO
12.06 03-07 FLATX 28.78 LatinAmerica YES
11.57 04-03 FSAVX 36.59 SAutomotive YES
11.19 05-09 FDCPX 80.23 SComputers NO
10.86 06-03 FEXPX 20.91 Export&Multinational YES
10.75 07-12 FWRLX 10.87 SWireless NO
10.34 08-37 FSPTX 18.60 STechnology YES
9.19 09-05 FHKCX 36.76 ChinaRegion YES
8.91 10-04 FISVX 20.87 SmallCapValueIndex YES
8.44 11-03 FGRIX 40.27 Growth&Income YES
8.41 12-03 FSRBX 27.52 SBanking YES
8.27 13-22 FSAGX 22.71 SGold NO
8.22 14-01 FPBFX 33.08 PacificBasin YES
8.18 15-01 FLCSX 32.80 LargeCapStock YES
8.03 16-01 FIGFX 15.33 InternationalGrowth YES
7.88 17-02 FPHAX 22.23 SPharmaceuticals YES
7.82 18-01 FDGFX 29.75 DividendGrowth YES
7.81 19-02 FSEAX 45.57 EmergingAsia YES
7.56 12-08 FRESX 47.30 RealEstateInvestment NO
It will be some time before I get all of the % returns correct.
IRA#1 is currently invested in:
100% – SSemiconductors(16Sep19) from SGold(FSAGX)(17Jun19))
Sep19 1m-2 3m+1% 6m+1% 12m-8% 24m+na% 36m+na% 60m+na% 120m+na%
Average annual return since 1/82 na%
IRA#2 is currently invested in:
20% – LatinAmerica(FLATX)(04Nov19) from SDefense&Aerospace(FSDAX)(25Feb19)
20% – SAutomotive(FSAVX)(28Oct19) from Cash(16Sep19)
20% – SWireless(FWRLX)(21Oct19) from Cash(26Aug19)
20% – SConstructionandHousing(FSHOX)(16Sep19) from Cash(26Aug19)
20% – SSemiconductors(09Sep19) from Cash(19Aug19)
Sep19 1m-11% 3m+1% 6m+0% 12m-14% 24m+na% 36m+na% 60m+na% 120m+na%
Average annual return since 1/82 na%