01 May 2020

A poor week, not a buy week. The sum of all the deviations has been -609, -618, and now -536 – not up 2 weeks in a row.
The number of funds I rate as a buy over the last 3 weeks has been 83, 30, and now 22.

In reviewing some of the market indicators:
SPY (S&P500 ETF) is 3% above its 50 day moving average,
QQQ (Nasdaq 100 ETF) is 6% above its 50 day moving average,
IWM (Russell 2000 ETF) is 0% above its 50 day moving average,
SPY, QQQ, IWM SPY are above their 200 day moving average.
The sum of the deviations is negative.
Not a time to buy – Sum of all deviations is not up 2 weeks in a row.

I suggest you take 10 minutes to listen to VRA Podcast – Vertical Research Advisory – each evening. 01May they continued to reconfirm their bear market view – which many other also feel. One of their topics today was how are people going react when they are allowed go out after the this intentional economic destruction. Last week I mention the 48% funded $73k per year inflation adjusted public teachers pensions in Chicago. I received a report on a small pension I had. If I had been employed for 25 years (as the teachers) I would be in a 81% funded 30k no inflation adjusted pension. There is no house of representatives trying to bail out private pensions with my taxes. Several years ago a friend’s father was in a pension insured by Executive Life Insurance Corporation. Seems when the government pension benefit corporation took over his pension it was reduced by 90%. Have a insurance guaranteed pension or annuity? Think about it.

No investments

No investments

My investment changes this weekend:
IRA #1 – none
IRA #2 – none

My mutual fund portfolio market exposure after this weekend’s changes:
IRA #1 – 00% invested
IRA #2 – 00% invested

The top 20 (out of 100+ I follow) Fidelity funds (percent deviation, rank & weeks on top 20 list, fund symbol, fund price, fund name, and %dev increasing last 2

23.32 01-06 FSAGX 28.01 SGold NO
4.92 02-09 FPHAX 22.51 SPharmaceuticals NO
3.91 03-18 FTRNX 105.22 Trend NO
3.46 04-08 FSPHX 27.49 SHealthCare NO
3.27 05-15 FOCPX 12.35 OTCPortfolio NO
3.16 06-04 FBGRX 105.09 BlueChipGrowth NO
2.86 07-04 FNCMX 108.21 NasdaqCompositeIndex NO
2.69 08-03 FIFNX 11.58 Founders NO
2.68 09-04 FSHCX 98.66 SHealthCareServices NO
2.67 10-09 FNBGX 17.36 Long-Term Treasury Bond Index NO
2.66 11-10 FHKCX 37.65 ChinaRegion NO
2.59 12-09 FLGEX 20.79 LargeCapGrowthEnhancedIndex NO
2.12 13-01 FSCSX 19.29 SSoftware&ITServices NO
2.05 14-03 FSPTX 18.87 STechnology NO
1.98 15-04 FCNTX 13.13 Contrafund NO
1.70 16-07 FFIDX 48.45 Fidelity NO
1.64 17-03 FSMEX 56.73 SMedicalTechnologyandDevices NO
1.58 18-10 FSEAX 43.17 EmergingAsia NO
1.25 19-01 FSTGX 11.16 IntermediateGovernmentIncome NO
1.25 20-01 FSRPX 15.96 SRetailing NO
Last Week
25.57 01-05 FSAGX 28.17 SGold YES
7.48 02-08 FPHAX 23.00 SPharmaceuticals YES
6.62 03-07 FSPHX 28.28 SHealthCare YES
5.66 04-02 FBIOX 21.09 SBiotechnology YES
4.75 05-03 FSHCX 100.51 SHealthCareServices NO
4.47 06-08 FNBGX 17.64 Long-Term Treasury Bond Index YES
4.21 07-17 FTRNX 105.30 Trend NO
4.03 08-14 FOCPX 12.42 OTCPortfolio YES
3.81 09-09 FHKCX 38.02 ChinaRegion NO
3.62 10-03 FBGRX 105.38 BlueChipGrowth YES
3.54 11-02 FIFNX 11.66 Founders YES
3.36 12-03 FNCMX 108.57 NasdaqCompositeIndex NO
3.33 13-02 FSMEX 57.62 SMedicalTechnologyandDevices YES
3.23 14-08 FLGEX 20.89 LargeCapGrowthEnhancedIndex NO
2.25 15-09 FSEAX 43.42 EmergingAsia NO
2.25 16-03 FCNTX 13.15 Contrafund NO
2.19 17-06 FFIDX 48.64 Fidelity NO
1.80 18-01 FCVSX 29.90 ConvertibleSecurities YES
1.73 19-02 FSPTX 18.79 STechnology NO
1.58 20-01 FTQGX 24.79 FocusedStock NO

IRA#1 is currently invested in:
100% – Cash(23Mar20) from STechnology(FSPTX)(18Feb20)
Mar20 1m-21% 3m-31% 6m-17% 12m-17% 24m-25%
Average annual return since 1/82 na%
IRA#2 is currently invested in:
20% – Cash(23Mar20) from SSemiconductors(FSELX)(18Feb20)
20% – Cash(03Feb20) from SHealthCareServices(09Dec19)
20% – Cash(03Feb20) from SComputers(16Dec19)
20% – Cash(02Mar20) from STechnology(21Jan20)
20% – Cash(02Mar20) from SWireless(21Oct19)
Mar20 1m-3% 3m-7% 6m-0% 12m+0% 24m-4%
Average annual return since 1/82 na%

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