01 June 2018

A good week, almost a buy week. The sum of all the deviations has been 478, 453, and now 472 – not up 2 weeks in a row.
The number of funds I rate as a buy over the last 3 weeks has been 30, 08, and now 24.
Another week like this week and it will be buy time. Most probably some technology fund.

On YouTube, Gerald Celente hosts his some of his The Trends Journal. His presentations are always interesting. It is worthwhile listening to his latest, June 01, video on the coming currency crashes – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T3gO11o3d40 .

Also on YouTube, Jim Rogers has interesting views on North Korea and how he wants to there. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jHzcrEIBX5E .

SEnergy has a price of 48.39, a sell price 47.48, a rank of 04, and is a hold. (ETF – IEO, PXI – both stopped out)
SEnergy has a price of 48.39 a sell price 47.48, a rank of 04, and is a hold. (ETF – IEO, PXI – both stopped out)
SITServices has a price of 60.56, a sell price 57.53, a rank of 08, and is a hold. (ETF – XWEB, XITK)
Both of my energy ETFs were sold when the stop loss price was hit on 5/25. Both resulted in about a 1% gain on my investment. Perhaps the 7% stop loss limit is too small. If energy becomes a buy again, I will buy them back.

My mutual fund portfolio changes this weekend:
IRA #1 – None
IRA #2 – None

My mutual fund portfolio market exposure after this weekend’s changes:
IRA #1 – 100% invested
IRA #2 – 40% invested

The top 20 (out of 100+ I follow) Fidelity funds (percent deviation, rank & weeks on top 20 list, fund symbol, fund price, fund name, and %dev increasing last 2 weeks).
This week:
112.98 01-05 FSELX 11.99 SSemiconductors Yes
11.59 02-19 FSCSX 18.60 SSoftware&ITServices Yes
11.55 03-29 FSRPX 14.90 SRetailing Yes
11.33 04-08 FSENX 48.39 SEnergy
11.13 05-19 FCPGX 28.39 SmallCapGrowth
10.48 06-18 FSPTX 183.71 STechnology Yes
10.46 07-05 FOCPX 12.38 OTCPortfolio Yes
9.98 08-20 FBSOX 60.56 SITServices
9.66 09-08 FBGRX 97.79 BlueChipGrowth Yes
9.64 10-08 FTQGX 25.42 FocusedStock Yes
8.46 11-02 FNCMX 99.46 NasdaqCompositeIndex Yes
8.32 12-03 FSPHX 245.99 SHealthCare
8.15 13-03 FSSPX 21.88 SmallCapIndex – IC
8.00 14-07 FCNTX 132.49 Contrafund
7.88 15-06 FDCAX 38.38 CapitalAppreciation
7.83 16-01 FTRNX 106.51 Trend
7.81 17-01 FDSVX 35.95 Growth Discovery
7.81 18-03 FCPEX 14.60 SmallCapEnhancedIndex
7.56 19-01 FSUIX 14.39 LargeCapGrowthIndex – Inv Yes
7.51 20-03 FSDAX 177.29 SDefense&Aerospace Yes
last week:
12.62 01-04 FSELX 11.87 SSemiconductors Yes
11.48 02-28 FSRPX 14.80 SRetailing
10.01 03-07 FSENX 47.53 SEnergy
9.80 04-18 FSCSX 18.19 SSoftware&ITServices
9.46 05-18 FCPGX 27.80 SmallCapGrowth
9.20 06-17 FSPTX 180.59 STechnology
9.06 07-19 FBSOX 59.74 SITServices
9.01 08-04 FOCPX 12.15 OTCPortfolio
8.45 09-07 FBGRX 96.22 BlueChipGrowth
8.42 10-07 FTQGX 25.01 FocusedStock
8.22 11-02 FSSPX 21.80 SmallCapIndex – IC Yes
8.00 12-16 FSDCX 37.64 SCommunicationsEquipment
7.67 13-02 FSPHX 243.43 SHealthCare
7.51 14-02 FSDAX 176.58 SDefense&Aerospace Yes
7.23 15-05 FDCAX 37.99 CapitalAppreciation
7.16 16-01 FNCMX 97.83 NasdaqCompositeIndex
7.15 17-01 FSRFX 100.42 STransportation Yes
7.12 18-06 FCNTX 130.86 Contrafund
6.99 19-02 FCPEX 14.43 SmallCapEnhancedIndex
6.89 20-01 FSCPX 43.78 SConsumerDiscretionary

IRA#1 is currently invested in:
100% – SEnergy(FSENX)(23Apr18) from CashReserves(FDRXX)(12Feb18)
Apr18 1m+1% 3m-5% 6m-0% 12m+21% 24m+25% 36m+9% 60m+43% 120m+7%
Mar18 1m+0% 3m-1% 6m+6% 12m+21% 24m+53% 36m+7% 60m+64% 120m+11%
Average annual return since 1/82 11%
IRA#2 is currently invested in:
20% – SITServices(FBSOX)(14May18) from CashReserves(FDRXX)(12Feb18)
20% – SEnergy(FSENX)(23Apr18) from CashReserves(FDRXX)(12Feb18)
20% – CashReserves(FDRXX)(02Apr18) from EmergingEuropeMiddleEastAfrica(FEMEX)(29Jan18)
20% – CashReserves(FDRXX)(26Mar18) from SRetailing(FSRPX)(16Jan18)
20% – CashReserves(FDRXX)(05Mar18) from SBrokerageandInvestmentManagement(FSLBX)(22Jan18)
Apr18 1m+0% 3m-4% 6m-0% 12m+7% 24m+22% 36m+15% 60m+24% 120m+36%
Mar18 1m-0% 3m-1% 6m+2% 12m+7% 24m+26% 36m+14% 60m+23% 120m+38%
Average annual return since 1/82 11%

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